I *can* be a Dark Lord

Jan 29, 2009 02:22

Oliver gave an excellent presentation (our first PowerPoint OUSFG discussion meeting?) today on Dark Lords. So it is kind of appropriate that Toby's paper has just made Slashdot (and earlier the New Scientist and The Guardian), even if many of the summaries and conclusions presented there misrepresent the argument presented in the paper.

In my underground lair, deep below the Jura mountains, I prepare to destroy the world. Foiled on my first attempt by an explosion, I continue to hatch my evil scheme. Having convinced the world that what I planned was completely safe, I aim to try again in the summer. With only months to go, my assurances are debunked; not by some mad American safety officer, but by a fellow Oxford-based academic and friend. Has Toby discovered my fatal flaw? Will he be able to prevent me throwing the switch and creating a black hole to swallow us all? Will our friendship be torn asunder as we are pitted against each other for the fate of the world? Find out in the next exciting instalment!

Unfortunately for the drama, we ruled out groups from the category "Dark Lord". I am one of thousands of physicists working on the LHC. Also a Dark Lord must present a unique threat, and Toby's argument can be used for any number of other potential threats.
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