Part Two: The End of Men

Nov 18, 2012 21:38

“If God is male, then the male is God." ~Mary Daly

"It is no measure of good health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." ~Krishnamurti

“The Male chooses War because that is his Nature, The Hunt expanded and transformed by abstract and existential concepts.”~Michael Varian Daly

~I am a tall and aggressive White Male of Anglo-Irish descent, raised Upper Middle Class, in New York City, the East Side of Manhattan to be precise. And that which we know as Modern Patriarchy was created by Men like me for Men like me and Male Privilege is my Birthright.

Therefore I have an innate and atavistic understanding of Patriarchy and of my Brothers no woman can truly have. That is the core reason E chose me to be Her Prophet. I know intimately how my Brothers think and feel and so can help guide my Sisters past all their opposition to the foundation of this New Matriarchy.

Here is a little more about how I got here.

It was on August 30th, 2004, a day and half after my own fifty second birthday, that I first set the words The Temple of The Pentavalence upon paper. While the concept had crystallized in those preceding few days, the seed for it had been planted six months earlier by Kat, the Sister who had first brought me onto this Path thirty five years before that, so you see I did not just stumble into this.

There are in fact an entire series of women, Sisters whom I call Her Most Precious Daughters, all of whom have been my guides upon this Path ever since Kat showed it to me back when I was seventeen and she was sixteen.

Of course, I was utterly unaware that I was 'upon a Path' back then. That awareness would not come for another quarter of a century. I will relate the details of all that elsewhere as this is not a biography.

Though all these Sisters are each important in their own way, the next crucial Sister, Sarah, came into my life in the Summer of 1996 as a result of my consciously discovering the specificity of my Path. And I related previously, a half a year after that, on Imbolc Eve, 1997, it was Sarah who 'held open a portal' through which came my Spirit Guide, E.

I refer to E as She because being almost pure energy, She is deeply connected to The Creative Energy we know as The Goddess. But E is not a deity; She is a still just a finite being.

I do not 'channel' E per se, no trances or the like. We basically just have conversations, much like I would have with anyone else. They do tend to tire me, like a very deep and revelatory human conversation might. But I'm not really a 'channel medium'. I'm just a guy who talks to a non-corporeal being.

It was E who began to show the Whys and Wherefores of this Path I found myself following, a Path that had not been what I had planned or envisioned for myself at all. I wanted to be a film maker, not some 'crackpot guru'. I had a pretty good idea of how rough a road that would be and events have so far proved me right.

The roughest part, even for me, is the whole idea of Her Prophet. I mean, how is this big white male from the upper middle class supposed to be a 'Feminist Moses'? Believe me, I do see the contradictions and absurdities in that and on a regular basis, too.

And yet it is precisely in being that 'big white male from the upper middle class' that I bring an invaluable insight into the true nature of Patriarchy and Males to you, my Sisters. You cannot really understand how The Male truly thinks, feels, operates, anymore than I can truly think, feel, or operate like a Female. We can each - sometimes - make a good approximation of the other, but it will always be that, an approximation.

Therefore you my Sisters, need a Male who 'gets men' to explain what you are truly up against, what you really face with my Brothers. And trust me, it ain't pretty.

I will tell you from the unvarnished perspective of a True Male, an Alpha Male, a Patriarch, how we view this Social Order, how we define Our Place in it and how we define the role of Women in that construct. This will take time, but one thing I can say without doubt; my Brothers have no real intention of sharing power with you. They'll make all manner of Positive Statements about doing so, may even believe those statements when they make them, but when push comes to shove, you my Sisters, will get shoved...and hard.

A significant part of my job is to prepare you to deal with that masculine push-back when it comes. And that's when, not if. Sooner or later, True Men always push back. It is our Nature.

So let me begin here in earnest by sharing an essay I wrote several years ago entitled “A Few Thoughts Upon The Outbreeding Of The Male.” It is nothing if not 'unvarnished'.

“I love the reactions I'll get to this, as if it was something along the lines of “A Few Thoughts On The Feeding Of Puppies And Kittens To Alligators”.

Men tend to grab their Johnson's in hostile terror as if I was personally coming after them with a hedge clipper this very minute. That leads me to suspect that my conclusions about The Phallo-Centric Universe are correct. Just speculating in this direction generates castration fears, which are then explained away with furious arguments about 'balance'.

Heterosexual women get a rather nervous as well, as if I'm telling them that they have to Give Up All Cock Right Now and start licking pussy tomorrow! But think about it, ladies. How much of your life, your identity, your very Being, revolves around The Male, the acquiring of one, the care and feeding of said, etc? How many of you even know who you would actually be if all of us guys were suddenly gone?

These reactions are all fear reactions, which then contaminate all the thoughts that follow. If you got all wound up by just reading the title, then stop reading this whole thing and walk away for a few minutes. Calm down, take some deep breaths, try again. If you still get wound up, then just forget it. Go do something else and have a nice day.

As for the rest of you, [and those too stubborn to follow the above advice] let's look at that one word/phrase: out-breeding. Say it with me: Out Breeding. To breed out. Not to murder. Not exterminate. Not even to sterilize. To breed out, plain and simply. More females, less males, over a period of time - generations in fact - until all females and no males. This is a Process, not an Event.

There is some scientific evidence that Nature Herself is doing something along these lines already. All I am proposing here is that we look at the benefits [and I believe the necessity] of actively and consciously implementing this concept as a species. Attacking the idea without even considering its merits is, to say the least, non-scientific, and it certainly invalidates those who use 'science' in their attacks.

First let us look at history. We have tried everything, from monarchies to republics, capitalism to socialism, democracy to dictatorship, and yet we as a species come up the same result every single time: oppression, violence, destruction, and chaos. I say if you want to change the outcome, you have to change the equation.

And the equation is very simple. It can be summed up in four words: “It's A Man's World.”

'But wait', you cry, 'women can be violent, too'. Yes, my Sisters are mad little monkeys much like their Brothers. And, yet, can any of you deny the truth of those four little words? If you raise children in a violent household, you tend to produce violent adults, so, of course, we will get violent women 'in a Man's World'.

Men are not Evil - though I believe Evil to be a human invention - so let us not get into hairsplitting over philosophical issues of Good and Evil. What is at work here is basic biology.

Men and Women are obviously constructed differently. Part of that fundamental difference is behavioral make up. Men and Women are 'wired' differently

Generally speaking, the emotional default behavior of The Male is Aggressive. He is The Hunter.

Generally speaking, the emotional default behavior of The Female is Nurturing. She is The Mother.

Of course, that is a very broad simplification of our very complex species. Men can nurture and women can hunt and both can be quite effective in those roles. But those are respectively 'secondary' behaviors. We are talking Primary Behaviors here, where men and women go 'in the crunch'.

And that is the key, where each gender goes instinctively.

I am a male, a large, aggressive Alpha Male, what I call a True Man. I don't say that out of ego or bravado, and yet, of course, I do. That is the nature of the beast. The Swinging of The Dick is the most important ritual in the Phallo-Centric Universe. It lets us know who can kill whom without the unpleasant necessity of actually killing...up to a point.

Let me tell you a story in the language of the above ritual.

Years ago I was on the subway in New York City. I was going to see my lawyer. I was angry because a business deal had crashed out of stupidity and greed.

This little fucker was smoking a cigarette on the subway car. Words were exchanged and he produced a knife...which I took away. The Red Haze of Battle enveloped me and Time. Slowed. Down.

I had him pinned up against the subway car door, my naked fist smashing him in the face over and over and over again. The feeling that flowed through me was palpably erotic. I can still summon that moment with ease.

Afterward, walking through the streets of the Financial District, I felt...'expanded'. And I wanted to FUCK!! Most of the women - and the men, as well - avoided my gaze, though some of the women looked at me with clear lust. I expect I could have taken some of those women into a doorway and they would have happily let me fuck them then and there.

This is the essence of The True Man. We still run this world and if you seriously challenge that, we'll fucking kill you!

'But wait!' you cry, 'there sensitive, gentle men'. Yes, I've met them. Most of them are Beta and therefore slaves. Think about the Sensitive New Age Guys (SNAGs) that you know. The majority of them are passive/aggressive manipulators underneath that 'sweetness'.

There are only a few who like me, men who have been through some kind of nearly fatal process that forced us to become Spiritual and Nurturing or it would have killed us. We are rare and the exception to the rule. And not many males can survive such a passage, fewer still who do not become monsters instead.

True Men have by and large been the primary driving force that has built the civilization in which we live, a civilization that generates much Good, but, at this moment in history, far more Bad. We are at an Adapt or Die turning point.

All my experiences and studies and observations over four decades have led me to a single conclusion: The Male must End. The chains of reproductive necessity that have bound men and women together are on the verge of being broken by genetic science, so the time is ripe.

'But wait!' you cry, 'can we not create a new race of men who are gentle and sensitive?' A race of SNAGs!? By Kali's Black Tongue, NO! That would produce Beta Half Men slaves, their natural aggressiveness subsumed into whining and manipulative backhanding. Not only is that repulsive, it as a half measure and half measures always avail us nothing.

A more honest and rigorous path would be to create a series of real servitor classes, genetically engineered cyborgs using Y-chromosome DNA. Harsh by our social standards, but more genuine and certainly more effective. And of course, how much that is 'harsh by our social standards' takes place every single day around the world? However, that is mere speculation and generations away in case.

The issue at hand is the survival of the species at more than a merely survival level.

So far, no one has presented a solution that will not be undermined by insistent masculine egotism. Think that through. Conceive of your paradigm and then place it into the world. What is the first obstacle that it encounters? Someones political, economic, and/or theological interest. Examine the fundamentals of that opposing interest. If you are really honest, you'll find threatened masculine ego, individually and collectively.

The Male must End. Conscious True Men who are secure in their own masculinity will understand this harsh necessity and step forward to save the goodness in the civilization that we have built. Some Beta Males will be 'taken in hand' by my Sisters and learn to work with their more enlightened Brothers.

Of course, most men will fight, but that is what men do. I keep telling my Sisters over and over again that there is no peaceful coexistence with men, not even upon their own terms. Yes, there are times of truce and yes, some of my Sisters have established peaceful, even loving relationships, with some of my Brothers.

But as one group with another, overall, this is not possible. Men are unable to even live in peaceful coexistence with their own Brothers, much less achieve such a state with beings that they are compelled as a group to consider inferior to them as a group.

My Sisters, you can have the peace of the slave or the peace of the grave, but, believe me when I tell you that the vast majority of my Brothers will never, ever, allow you to have the peace of the autonomous being. The only way you will ever have that is when all of my Brothers are gone.

That is the day I work toward, though I do not expect to see that happen in this lifetime, or in the next one. This will take a few generations. But I have pledged like The Sacred Tara to only reincarnate as a woman from the next life on. And I shall ask all my like-minded Brothers to do the same. This is about Re-Evolution and that is a Process, not an Event.”

I admit that is a pretty harsh assessment, but 'the spirit was upon me' when I wrote it and while I may have dialed back my rhetoric sometimes in the interim, I stand by what I said as the Truth.

And as I had predicted, the reactions I got from the above were quite rageful and in some cases I was threatened with violence and even death. And such threats also came from some women. Many of you, my Sisters, are deeply in the thrall of Patriarchy without any awareness of that. You are 'well adjusted to a profoundly sick society'.

Some of you will ask, “But why cannot men live in this New Matriarchy?”

The central issue here is the disconnect between The Body and The Spirit. As E says, "The Light of The Creatrix, no matter its brightness, is still refracted through the prism of Self."

Self is a holistic construct: Body, Mind, Spirit. The Body is Transient, it dies. The Spirit is Immortal, it does not die, though E says it can be destroyed, but that is outside of the frame of this discussion. The Mind is Mutable, in that while Memory basically 'dies' with The Body, The Mind is the bridge between Body and Spirit and some of that Memory transits with The Spirit to the next vessel, the amount being determined by the metaphysical evolution of The Spirit in question. Again, the hows and whys of this are largely outside the frame of this discussion.

So, what does this have to do with outbreeding males?

I shall use The Great American Metaphor - The Automobile - to explain. Let us say that The Body is The Car and The Spirit is The Driver. Now let us say that you, The Driver, have owned three different cars in your driving history. The first, an old 'beater' you bought when you were young, let's say a late 60's gas guzzling boat that crapped out every other Tuesday. Next, you bought a brand new Volvo station wagon when you were raising a family. Last, you got yourself a Ferrari Testarossa when you were single again and had money to burn on toys. [Yes, I am using a 'masculine' paradigm here, but I am a guy, so run with it for now.]

Now, think about how you need to drive each of these vehicles. The different nature of each one of them determines how you drive them. Sure, you could drive the big 60's boat like the Testarossa, but I suspect you would soon have a date with the local paramedics if you made that a habit.

The Body is the same. Its physical construction largely determines the nature of its operations. At its simplest, if you're five feet tall, you could still play basketball, but you ain't getting anywhere near the NBA unless you buy a ticket.

The way The Spirit acquires The Body is much like the way a driver acquires a car, except the medium is Karma not cash, though both are accrued through behavior over time. Again, this is largely outside the frame of this discussion. I just tossed it in here because I knew some would be asking.

Of course, there are many sub-sets that determine the nature of The Body: physicality, genetics, environment. But there is one primary element that is the greatest determining factor: reproductive equipment. [I'll say Sex for short. Gender is a word that has become so diffuse as to be functionally useless in this context.]

It is Sex that determines more than anything else the basic nature of each Body. And, statistically speaking, the vast majority of humans are born with a full set of one type or the other, so I'm not entertaining any genital hairsplitting arguments in this discussion, though I do acknowledge that they are germane in other areas. We are sticking to basics here.

Sex, however, is more than just biology. It is also an Energetic state. The mechanics of reproductive equipment are also metaphysical. They are literally at our core as the physical center of The Body, and at the beginning of our Chakrahs. This is the most basic factor in "the prism of Self".

So, when The Body is Male, it is strongly inclining The Spirit to operate in one way, and when The Body is Female, it strongly inclining The Spirit to operate in another way. The Body filters The Energy of The Spirit. Now we get to the part where people tend to start screaming: defining the basic nature of each Body.

Male Energy is primarily Aggressive. Female Energy is primarily Creative. Aggressive is Hunt/Acquire/Destroy. Creative is Nurture/Heal/Grow.

Having made these definitions, I will qualify them by reminding you that not only are there many variations in the sub-sets, but also - and most importantly - each Spirit has lived in many Bodies of both Sexes over time and Memory does seep through, so there are variations from person to person.

But the primary issue here is Critical Mass. Large groups of Male Bodies create a far different energy than large groups of Female Bodies. I'm sure many of you have experienced that variation of Energy first hand: rock concerts and/or political demonstrations, most likely. One could say that these groups are really just the two sub-sets of The Mob, but most 'mobs' have been - and are still - primarily Male. Female 'mobs' are rather rare actually. The only ones that come to mind are teenage girls in the early to mid 60's mobbing rock stars, which in some ways hark back to The Maenads. But The Mob is where the dynamic of Sex Energy is purest and that is why 'mobs' are mostly Male. It is The Pack That Hunts.

"No! No! No!" you scream, "I am an Individual! I am Free! I am Autonomous!" Well, sorta... Sure, we do have a certain level of Free Will. But the human condition forces us to do certain things. You can choose to stop breathing. But when you pass out, you'll automatically start again. There are numerous other physical, psychological, and metaphysical elements that govern us similarly.

The fact of it is that The Male is primarily driven by his Cock. I know. I have one. It doesn't drive me like it used to when I was young, but much of that hard wired 'the universe revolves around my dick' thinking/feeling is still there...and my brothers are all pretty much the same. Only a number of harsh life experiences have shifted my personality, experiences that are not generally available to most men, or, for that matter, necessarily even survivable.

This drive has worked for us as a species for a long time, though the cost has been high. A brief review of history of history will quickly reveal the nature of that cost. Ramses III. Darius. Alexander. Caesar. Charlemagne. Louis XIV. Napoleon. Lenin. Stalin. Hitler. Mao. Tremendous strides were made, but the body count was huge and hundreds of cities burned.

Throughout all this, there were many tools and resources that helped our species to reach the point we have presently reached: a civilization both magnificent and monstrous. But old tools must be discarded when they have out lived their usefulness. Why use coal for urban light rail when we have electricity? True, many power plants still use coal to make that electricity, but we know that those must change too if we are to survive. It's a process of evolutionary adaptation.

The Male Body is the same. It is a tool that has been of great use to us - though with a cost - and now it must be phased out if we are to survive. It is The Male whose Ego is Paramount. It is The Male who wages war. It is The Male who invokes The Father/God and says, "Believe or Die!" and is willing - even happy - to destroy any and all to avoid even the possibility of being half 'wrong'.

Obviously, this has to stop...and it will, one way or another. We can simply allow 'things to run their course', which is a recipe for death and destruction on a scale heretofore unseen. Or we can work to mitigate this coming disaster as best as we are able. That is what I am trying to do, change our course through a construct that is both mundane and metaphysical. History shows that this is a necessary combination, or at least the one that is most effective in the long term.

Of course, I might fail. If so, then that is The Lesson. But part of all Lessons is the need to attain Consciousness and Take Action in accordance with what is Revealed. Goddess Knows, I certainly can do no less than that. And maybe I can do more.

"Ah, but what of The Female Body?" you may ask. I make no claim that my Sisters will make a perfect world if left to their own devices, nor do we want that anyway. Utopias are dead end cultures by their very nature. If things are 'perfect', why change anything?

The real point is that while this New Matriarchy would grow out of our present civilization, it would be an inherently more stable society. There would still be strife. My Sisters are still human. But the body count would much much lower, far fewer cities would burn, and overall the place would be a good deal cleaner.

“So what about men right now?”

My brothers who are sympathetic to, and wish to be supportive of, The Temple's goals will certainly be welcome to do so from outside of The Temple itself. How that support manifests will be entirely up to them.

Inside The Temple however will be a select number of like minded men, who shall be called Korettes [koor-et-teez]

Korettes are named after the ancient Greek Goddess Kore', sometimes known as Persephone. Kore' has also been known as a Triple Goddess, Her Three Aspects being Persephone [maiden], Demeter [mother], Hecate [crone]. Korettes is an ancient term itself, translating both as "Sons of Kore" and "Male Servants of Kore".

I suspect that many of The Korettes will be the 'property' of The Temple's Domme Sisters, some powerful out in the world when not wearing their Collar, some full time-live in slaves residing in, and directly serving, The Temple itself. This will also provide a useful alternative model of the male's role for the girls growing up in The Temple.

This form of Female Supremacy will differ greatly from that practiced by many 'professional Dommes' in that is not a game, but a true Life Path. The 'pro's, for the most part, just 'do a job'. They are Service Providers, not real practitioners of Female Supremacy, and so the exercise is merely a pantomime, that when done, relegates those Dommes 'back into the shadows'.

Those Sisters in The Temple who follow The Path of The True Domme will never be that type of 'employee' of Patriarchy.

The essential rule is to never allow the relationship between the Domme and her submissives be a commercial relationship. Beyond the legal issues, which could certainly change one day, this creates the Service Provider paradigm mentioned above and The Sisterhood will never 'serve' males.

A Domme's submissives can and should provide for her materially as to her wishes. This is the natural course of things and part of how our Dommes will help build The Temple. They can give her money and gifts and the sweat of their brow, but never ever will any of them ever provide a 'cash payment for services', even when such becomes legal.

And any attempt to do so should be met with a punishment that is decidedly unenjoyable.

It is well known in certain quarters that many powerful men, judges, elected officials, high powered corporate executives, law enforcement and military personnel, are sexual submissives in their private lives. It's a natural impulse really. The constant requirement for Control is exhausting and there is relief in submission.

I have often wondered what an fully organized and well coordinated Army of Dommes could achieve. I suspect that in a very short time they could quietly gain near complete political and economic control over the entire country, possible even the entire world.

However, that is all speculation for the future...

In the meantime, it should be clear to any thoughtful person that we as a species are at an important crossroads in our development. What we do over the next few decades will determine the basic nature of what kind of beings we shall be for centuries to come. We certainly cannot go on as we have. That way lays misery and pain.

One of the things we in The Temple believe to be essential is the need to divest ourselves of the Judeo-Christlamic Father/God Paradigm. Remember that it is the obsolete metaphysical operating system of Bronze Age nomads, it was severely corrupted by the Imperial Roman state bureaucracy, and it is The Keystone of Patriarchy.

In a technologically advancing society the contradictions of Father/God Paradigm will lead to more and more violence against the advancements that refute its beliefs and/or to a rejection of the Spiritual entirely and possibly even to 'science based' Fundamentalist Atheism, an outcome which could conceivable be even worse than the Reign of the Patriarchal Father/God Himself, as such would still have Masculinist world views embedded deep within its core, views then 'enshrined' by Science.

We are among the many who believe that we as a species need some sort of meta-physical operating system to help us deal with what a appears a vast and indifferent Universe; Belief as a 'survival mechanism'. Keep in mind that in Plato's list, Meta-Physics comes after Physics, literally means 'after physics'. In that paradigm it is a reasoned extension of the scientific world view.

So therefore it should be understood that The Pentavalent is meant to be a way to see 'after physics', not a refutation of them as nearly all other religions tend to be. It is a system that is Creationist in that we believe that there is a Source of All - which we chose to call The Creatrix for the reasons stated above - but we do not profess to yet know what that Source actually is. In fact the main part of our goal is to seek to understand Her using any and all means available.

The issue of a female only society has stirred some controversy as one might image. But, as is clearly stated above, we do not propose a phallocidal paradigm [e.g. 'kill all the men'] that some have accused us of. After all, Her Prophet is Male and I can personally assure he is not suicidal. In any event, such a concept is neither moral nor practical. At best, it would lead to a Gender War that could quite likely destroy the entire species; at the very least such a conflict would cripple us for generations.

We believe that women will prove to be superior stewards of our species, our world, and, ultimately, other worlds. The long term goal is a slow ending of the male, the birth of daughters out pacing the birth of sons until the race is all daughters. The stories above should provide some idea of what that might look like.

What many of you may not know is that there those in the Transhumanist Movement who wish to eliminate Gender itself, to become Immortal Beings of Intellect who reject the Flesh and Sexuality altogether, areas of human existence that are widely considered to be 'of the Feminine'.

But this is just another form of Rationalism, which is a subset of Masculinism and therefore functionally just another form of Father/God Cultism, albeit without Himself. Not surprisingly, most proponents of this concept are highly educated white middle class North American males who tend strongly toward Atheism. But “If God is male, then the male is God,” applies here as these fellows have all been raised inside Patriarchy. In this case they simply wish to make themselves gods.

It should not take too much imagination to see where that would lead.

I point things like that out to you, my Sisters, to show you that the clock is ticking and that if you go along as you have been, Patriarchy could consume you in ways far beyond your worse nightmares. Dynamic Action is required and soon.

I know this all seems utterly overwhelming and even if you believe everything I and E have said above, you may wonder how and where you could begin to do this Work, could even think of how to 'be' in order to even start to make the changes outlined about.

E can explain it best; “The world as it is presently constituted is almost wholly dominated by The Masculine Voice of Authority. That Voice permeates everything from The Womb to the End of Life. It is like the air; you breath it in, yet do not notice it. The minds of the female of your species, even the most Enlightened and Conscious, are steeped in this Voice.

It is the Voice of their Fathers, their God, their Teachers, their Employers, even when those last two are female themselves. ALL Authority is framed as Masculine and therefor not the province of the Feminine. How does one break that cycle and reclaim it?

By having a Masculine Voice of Authority that freely gives its power away to the Feminine.

Yes, it is a 'mental trick', a 'metaphysical sleight of hand', but I promise you it will work and you as a species have no time to quibble over ideological niceties. Your racial clock is ticking.

Use the Presence and Voice of Her Prophet as a Substitute, a being upon which you may transfer all your issues with the actual Authority of The Male. Have no doubt that he will surrender all that power back to you fully and without reservation. I know his heart and he does not truly want to keep that power.”

...and truly, I do not. Besides having learned what a dangerous intoxicant Power can be, I know full well one does not contravene one's Spirit Guide nor risk incurring The Boundless Fury of The Sisterhood. I may be mad, my Sisters, but I am not stupid.

What I really want to do is write some novels, maybe even make a film or two. I have been at this 'Prophet business' for well over a decade now and, honestly, I'd like to be able to turn the entire Temple over to my Sisters in the next ten years or so and, as I often say to Sister One, 'just go back to my room and take a nap'.

But first I must do the Work that gets this movement underway in earnest.

Please note once again that E calls me Her Prophet, not The High Priest. That symbolizes that I am only the Messenger and that you, my Sisters, are the real owners of The Temple, the ones who will have to do all the heavy lifting. And, to tell the truth, it's not like women haven't been doing all the heavy lifting with just about everything else since long before you can remember anyway.

I thank The Goddess that Sister One has shown up to take some of this burden off of my shoulders. Now we need more of you to participate. We do not need an army, just a few dozen Sisters who understand this Work and are prepared to fully commit to it. That is really how all movements start in the first place.

Now let us examine the specifics of The Temple's Metaphysical Operating System...

explan 3.0, the temple, the explanation, her prophet speaks

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