Jan 01, 2014 17:04
1. I will pass my viva.
2. I will do my best to make this year's April graduation.
3. I will not beat myself up totally if I have to wait until next year.
4. I will get a job.
5. And hopefully, work on getting a career.
6. I will write good words that will affect people in interesting ways.
7. I will not spend the entire year single.
8. Somewhat reluctantly, I will move out of my ridiculous free-loading situation within the year.
9. I'm going to work on a regime of daily sit-ups and press-ups for at least a few months.
10. Less time watching stupid videos online.
11. Reading quality, not (just) quantity. I will start an "Anatomy of Melancholy" reading group. Let me know if you're interested.
12. I am going to try to keep to no more than 30 tabs open at any one point. Really bad habit.
13. More outdoor climbing. Better footwork.
EDIT: Also, I should learn Spanish and memorise the obvious soliliquay from Hamlet. But not officially mentioned