sometimes I think about what otehr people are doing right at this moment, when Im here bored and all alone. I used to do it alot more when I was little, especially with NIck Carter because I loved him. I would just be like, I wonder what Nick is doing now, then id think, well one thing I do know is that he is breathing, but is he doing anything else? Maybe hes alone thinking about what someone else is doing liek I am.... or maybe hes recording a song, and playing basketball with the other BSB. I forgot I used to do that alot, but now the BSB are back and I find mself wondering alot. Like what is Nick doing right this second. I know hes breathing, maybe hes chillin with Aaron. Or thinking about how stupid he was fr breaking it off with Paris, and now shes marriying aother Paris. Do you think there doing it simply because they have the same names? I do. HE named his pitt bull Peter Pan, because her retarted mutt's name is Tinkerbell. Not that I dontLOVE Paris hilton, I just hate dogs, especially small yappy ones like hers. Can you beleive Nicole Ritchie, she seriously needs to be checked into a hospital. She used to be so cool, and I loved her because she didnt care what aybody thgoht about her, and now shes a 90 pond skeleton. Same thing with stupid Lindsay Lohan, except I have never liked her. ut I guess I loed her in freaky friday, but then she started music and dissing hilary, who is the only sane girl who realises beauty isnt 90 pounds.
Who do you think hummed the first hum, or banged the first stick on a rock, adam or eve? I dont think it really matters, because it was probably the reaction of the other that ept music alive. Like what if Eve was humming, and then Adam yelled at ehr and beat her up and forbid music for forever, and it was considered a sin or something..would anybody be singing today? Can you imagine if music was illegal and anybody who was cuaght would be beheaeded. that would be insane. Im glad that someone made the first hint of music and the someone else enjoyed it.
Ever get mad and disapoint yourself, by thinking things like I should bestudying, then Id get a better mark. And you could make things better if you just studied, but know yourself so well that you knwo you wont, and then end up disapointing yourself before its even to late? Thats what Im doing right now. I ahve like 24 hours before my exam, but Im talking about nothing on my LJ, and this si so much mroe fun. But i wont leave my house or pJs so my mom thinks Im studying, and when I come home with a terrible mark, she wont care, shell jsut think im a moron, because it looked like I had spent so much time studying, when really all I did was lay around and pretend to study.
I went and loked at kittens with my dad. There were 4 kittens. One pretty fluffy white one with black spots, 2 striped tabby ones, that look exactly like my cat tiger, and one boring black one. At frist when Iwent in there I was instantly attracted to the pretty cute one, but after a minute of it not being as playful as the rest I decided to ply with another. I liek boy cats best so I asked the guy witch other ones are boy cats, and there was only one. I was really disapointed because it was the boring looking all black uglier kitten. But i bent over and played with it. He was pretty average kitten sized kitten, all black with a bit of grey. He seemed to be very hyper, and starte attacking my shoes, and playing with my fingers. It wasnt long before I fell in love with it. Im glad I played with him, because he was my favourite, I shouldnt have judged him before I met him.I played with him for like 20 mins. I really wanted to take him home.
My dad bought the pretty one for his woman.
(i hope soembody blind goes in next to buy a kitten, they'll make the right choice. I hope anybody falls in love with him so it doesnt have to be put down)