[private]Oh, shit. I'm going to get fired. Okay, maybe not that bad. But I was more than three hours late to work because Mom called this morning, in hysterics. And this wasn't one of her normal 'Mom' calls, which is a given; I can plan, and therefore dodge those like clockwork, this was her freaking out over what happened yesterday (techically two days ago, according to my computer clock)in London. Worst part? It was the first conversation we've had in... ever that we weren't arguing, and it's because over a hundred people died/were injured. Our relationship really sucks. This is not news. Christ.[/private]
Unloading done in my private journal, I'll now marvel over the miracle that is our Internal Medicine department. I've got a patient with Crohn's. I won't go into detail, as some of you may (quite unwisely) be eating at your computers. Suffice it to say, it's lovely.
Yes, I'm aware it's my job, but it doesn't make perfect sense that the doc that specialized in Digestive Internals gets nephrology, meanwhile I'm... yeah. Where'd all the fun diseases go? It must be instant karma for being late to work today.