i only know two people on there...and lol, another is a band.
THURSDAY - felt sick, took a pill.
FRIDAY - remembered those pills make you sleep for like 12 hours. went to school for the afternoon. was late for fourth, but thats okay. editted some of my media movie. britt came over after school. we went bowling for 15 minutes. i bowled a 37, she bowled an 80someting..we suck. we walked to value village and i bought shirts. we went to taco bell and i fell bad because she killed her new years resolution [vegetarianism]. we played Super Quiz II which is a really good game. its like jeopardy and trivial pursuit i guess.
SATURDAY - layed in bed for like half an hour because i never know what to do when someone sleeps over. do i get up and go about my business? do i wake them up? do i just stay put? i dont know. we ate toaster pancakes and looked at the upcoming spring fashions. im not sure if im into the long shorts for girls yet..we'll see. i walked with her until shawn came through the mucky tecumseh road shoulder area and it was gross. we saw a dead rabbit [maybe] and it looked really stiff.. =/ we saw 23 tim horton's cups in like 20 minutes of walking. shawn came, so i went home. i played kirby on my gameboy color during the walk and i passed my house. my neighbour laughed at me.. i cut up a shirt i bought from vv and made a tube.. it'll be a real shirt one day. i hooked my ps2 up to my karaoke machine because i am a genius. so i watched Wonder Boys [for the first time] in my room laying on my couched futon. it was nice. i really like this movie and plan on getting the book on monday. i say monday because hopefully i will be done a clockwork orange by then. ive been reading it since school started again [jan 5-ish] and im only a little over half way done. i have a huge project to do on it too and i cant really start it until i am done the book. it was due last monday. yes, i suck. so i hope to finish it tomorrow, and make a half-assed attempt at this project and hopefully it all works out for the best. i now have a wall charger for my camera batteries, so expect more pictures maybe.
..so much for a mini-update.