i have yet to talk to my neighbor, i just grapped my cat and ran inside! then straight to the vet. i am sure it is her responsibility to keep her dog leashed. especially since its species and size are a danger. thankyou for your concern, send well wishes her way for the next few days :)
sue your idiot neighbor for the costs and ensure their idiot dog gets put down. fucking morons.
California is a very litigious state; people get sued for looking at you crosseyed, so it's well within the bounds of 'normalcy' there to go after an idiot pit bull owner.
all my best wishes for your feline friend. how much is the bill, if you don't mind me asking? (you can email or facebook it if you want)...
since the attack happened my neighbor has suspiciously not been home. for an entire day and night. we are definately going to speak to her about payment, and if we need to take action.
the estimate is $3000. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh because of the difficulty of her breaks and that the socket is so destroyed, it is so expensive. but she is doing well after the surgery, and maybe we can take her home tomorrow :) thankyou for the well wishes!
Comments 10
I hope she recovers well. Poor baby.
I have a little chihuahua...and there are a few huge dogs that idiot owners let roam around freely...and I get so worried sometimes. :(
i am sure it is her responsibility to keep her dog leashed. especially since its species and size are a danger.
thankyou for your concern, send well wishes her way for the next few days :)
i love dogs...but that's probably because i'm allergic to cats.
California is a very litigious state; people get sued for looking at you crosseyed, so it's well within the bounds of 'normalcy' there to go after an idiot pit bull owner.
all my best wishes for your feline friend. how much is the bill, if you don't mind me asking? (you can email or facebook it if you want)...
the estimate is $3000.
because of the difficulty of her breaks and that the socket is so destroyed, it is so expensive.
but she is doing well after the surgery, and maybe we can take her home tomorrow :)
thankyou for the well wishes!
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