Some Opposites
by Richard Wilbur
What is the opposite of riot?
It's lots of people keeping quiet.
The opposite of doughnut? Wait
A minute while I meditate.
This isn't easy. Ah, I've found it!
A cookie with a hole around it.
What is the opposite of two?
A lonely me, a lonely you.
The opposite of a cloud could be
A white reflection in the sea,
Or a huge blueness in the air,
Caused by a cloud's not being there.
What is the opposite of flying?
For birds it would be just not trying.
Perhaps the opposite for us
Would be to take a train or bus.
What is the opposite of Cupid?
If you don't know, you're pretty stupid.
It's someone with a crossbow who
Delights in shooting darts at you,
Not with the kind intention of
Persuading you to fall in love,
But to be mean, and make you shout,
"I hate you," "Ouch," and "Cut it out."
The opposite of junk is stuff
Which someone thinks is good enough,
Or any vessel on the seas
Which isn't in the least Chinese.
What is the opposite of doe?
The answer's buck, as you should know.
A buck is dough, you say? Well, well,
Clearly you don't know how to spell.
Moreover, get this through your head:
The current slang for dough is bread.
What is the opposite of actor?
The answer's very simple: tractor.
I said that just because it rhymes,
As lazy poets do at times.
However, to be more exact,
An actor's one who likes to act
King Lear in some unlikely plot,
Pretending to be what he's not.The opposite of actor, friend,
Is someone who does not pretend,
But is himself, like you and me.
I'm Romeo. Who might you be?
The opposite of opposite?
That's much too difficult. I quit.
There's more Opposites