What do you mean?? Everyone just got all uptight because I posted a few pictures of myself loaded on drugs before realizing that on the info page it said "this is not a drug community" and apparently my post was talking about nothing else but drugs and not "raving" itself.. so they banned me before I could even apologize and re-write a new entry.. I had it all written out and everything.. I went to go post my apology comment, and it said "no such entry" They were saying that I was throwing a tantrum, when all I had done was reply to one comment... comparing to the 30 tantrum massages I got, I think I was pretty calm about it.. and in the end it turned out that they are right and I am wrong... But whatever.. I just thought it was a simple "ADD ME" community.. not some contest to show off who's a better raver!!!
I missed the orginal thread you did and all I saw was the spillage effect from other threads. people there got attitude issues. It should be about having fun.
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Rave On.
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