If it didn't mean that I could shop nowhere, I would gladly boycott stores that advertise using the phrases "Happy Holidays" and "for the holidays," instead choosing to support those that bid customers a "Merry Christmas."
It's a Fireman, Policeman, or Chairman, not Firefighter, Police officer, or Chair. Note that it's not Firepenis, Policepenis
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Comments 12
And one word I hate is the word "actress." Feminizing words that aren't exclusively masculine to me implies that girls need a special word for it because we are different.
But, hmm, maybe that one is rather accurate - they don't really steward anything anymore. They are really there as the government's proxy to make sure you sit in your seat with your belt fastened, dammit! ;)
But I agree with the others -- even though firefighters are the ones most likely to be men of all the other positions named. If you go to the Independent Women's Forum site, even though almost all the people in the organization are women, they have a Chairman (who is, of course, a woman). I like that.
I hate the term Xmas. I'd prefer "Holidays" over that.
I'm with ya on Holidays over Xmas.
Of course, my grandmother disapproved, because she thought it was "crossing out the Christ in Christmas," but that's just the type of person my grandmother was.
I consider "xmas" acceptable in a case where someone is looking for obvious shorthand -- say, when posting on LJ or typing in a chat room, where they're abbreviating words in order to type faster. But there's no point to it at all anywhere where that isn't a consideration -- like any sort of preprinted sign.
And yeah, I'm probably one of the few who actually gets offended at that. :)
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I have a lot of Jewish friends so I send out cards that say "Happy Holidays." Don't see what's so bad about that.
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