Welcome to my journal. :-) Please sit down and have a cup of tea (or coffee if you like) and some cake while I try to put my thoughts about my preferences in fic and fandoms in a coherent order.
First of all: Thank you very much for offering one of my fandoms! I know that some of them are very, very tiny, so I’m really thrilled that you like at least one of them, too. :-)
I also hope you’re having a wonderful and enjoyable yuletide experience so far. And I particularly hope none of my requests will disturb this… So let me make this clear before you start worrying unnecessarily: Please don't be shocked by the lengthy explanations that follow. I'm just trying to give you an idea of who I am and what I (dis-)like in fics and hopefully provide you with some kind of starting point for your story. :-) But since optional details are optional, please do not feel pressured in any way if any of those ideas don’t fit your own interpretation of canon. I have a very wide area of fics I like, so unless you include a major dislike listed below, I’ll be pretty sure to love your gift! ♥
Categories and tropes I usually enjoy:
Gen, het, femslash; crack, fluff, humour, kid!fic (when the characters were kids rather than when they have kids), introspection, character study, character development, unusual fic-styles (e.g. letter/diary/texts/web content/...), surprise plot twists, magical realism, fairy tales, case!fic, action/adventure, strong female characters, minor characters, back stories
Categories and tropes I usually don't enjoy:
Prolonged UST, excessive pining, hurt/comfort, smoopy romances or lengthy declarations of love from characters who usually don't talk about their feelings at all. Fics that are overly angsty or sad just for the sake of being angsty and sad (it's fine if it fits the plot!). Also, no PWP or NC-17 fics, please.
General Likes:
I like fics that focus on character study, character development and / or interactions and relationships between characters. However, unless I've specified differently below for the fandom, I'd rather not see a huge focus on romance (and with the exception of "To Follow The Waves", I'd prefer no or only very light sexual content). While you can by all means explore interesting relationships, I'd like the characters to still have some kind of story other than just being in love and to still stay individuals in their relationship. I also like characters that are three-dimensional, flawed and doing things rather than only thinking about doing them. Particularly I have a soft spot for slightly geeky and awkward characters.
If you're more a plotty writer, you can make me happy with clever plots and surprise twists or elaborating on background stories. I also like fics that provoke thoughts and make me ponder about questions of morality, of what I would have done or what really defines the "right" behaviour.
I love a little humour (or a lot if it fits the fic), either humorous banter among characters or a humorous tone of narrating the story. If that’s your thing you could try subverting common tropes for humorous effects. Clever use of or playing with fandom or storytelling tropes in general would be awesome as would be unconventional narration (maybe non-linear or using an unusual fic-style like letters?). I'd also love some allusions or references to other fictional / pop cultural works. However, if this kind of meta doesn't fit your story or you don't feel comfortable including it, of course you don't have to. I like stories that take themselves seriously just as much.
I really like fics that capture the tone of the original work. Of course you should feel free to put your own spin to it, but if the canon is for example a humorous sitcom, I'd probably prefer to not receive angsty death-fic - and the other way around. That said, since it'll be Christmas when I'll read my gift I think I'd prefer a general lightheartedness. (However, especially for the "Long Price Quartet" you can include hints of melancholy - just no bleakness please.) If the canon lends itself to crack!fic, though (like I could see with "Dr. Horrible" or "Pushing Daisies"), please go wild if you wish - the weirder and funnier, the better. :D
Now to my fandom specific notes (fandoms listed in alphabetical order).
Amal El-Mohtar - To Follow The Waves
For my general thoughts on the fandom, please see my
comment at the "Pimp Your Fandom"-post.
Sign-up details:
There can't be too many lesbian Steampunk stories in a setting other than Europe, so actually I'd love any story in this world! For example, I'd like to see the relationship between Hessa and Nahla as implied by the ending scene explored further. Maybe even add some (light) BDSM-elements that were hinted at? This is my one fandom in which I'd like some sexy femslash times. ♥ But if you want to write gen, that's awesome, too! Maybe some background information on Nahla: where does she come from, what does she do and why is her hair unbound? Or something set in the time when Hessa was still Salma's student and learned all about dream-crafting? Or some world-building piece? I'd love all! :-)
Additional details:
Actually, dream-crafting itself is so awesome, I'd love it in all varieties. You could pick any idea and let a client ask Hessa for a dream featuring it. The idea of having to find the beauty in everything to make the dream seem real is a wonderful concept, too, which you could explore further. And if the idea of dream-crafting reminds you of Inception, you're not alone. ^^ If you somehow want to include that in your story, you're more than welcome to do so!
Alternatively you could focus on the more technical aspects with the stones and amber and the like. In the discussion of the story linked below, the author said she'd almost included a scene with Hessa's mother, the mathematician, lecturing her on the actual physics of dream-crafting (um, probably made up physics, I guess :-P), so if that sounds interesting to you, I'd love to read something on the mechanics of dream-crafting as well! Or maybe some work about which kind of stone to use for which dream?
If you're going to write about Hessa's and Nahla's relationship, I'll be fine with about the same level of sexual details as in the short story itself. I'd rather not see much more explicitly, so PWP might not be the best approach. But add some characterization or a bit of plot to the sex and I'll be happy. :-) It could be interesting to examine the differences between the two women with Hessa being geeky and shy and Nahla being more forward, but feel free to follow any direction of your own, too!
I must say, I really like the world-building in this story, especially that it is set somewhere else than Europe. The location feels very authentic, yet exotic (to me at least). So any such details are greatly appreciated (I've never been in Damascus myself, so no pressure on you for accuracy - and this is fantasy after all ^^). However, if you're really not comfortable with the setting, you could always let your protagonists travel to other locations. Note here that dirigibles are awesome. ;-)
(I just realized that I rambled a lot about the world-building aspects. While these are awesome, I'd be just as happy with a character-centered story!)
You can listen to the short story for free
here on PodCastle (story starts at about 04:50). On their
forums, you can also find the author discussing various aspects of this story.
Daniel Abraham - The Long Price Quartet
Sign-up details:
I really, really love these books. I love the amazing world-building, I love how real and flawed and human all the characters are, I love the almost hidden magic. So really, I'd love any story set in this world! For some specific ideas: Otah's and Maati's friendship back when Maati still looks up to Otah as kind of a teacher (possibly in the poet's school?), missing scenes from Otah's and Kiyan's relationship, Otah's and Balasar's strange friendship. Or if you feel like writing in this world in general, some tale from the history of the Khaiem perhaps? Some poet binding a new andat? It's all fine. I'm especially interested in the culture of the Khaiem and the contrast with the Galtic culture, so I'd love stories about the clash of these two cultures. I'd prefer gen, though I'm totally fine with canon relationships featuring (see prompts above). Just please don't create (sexual) pairings that haven't been shown in the books.
Additional details:
I really love the world-building in these books, especially the culture of the Khaiem with their tea houses, poses and suffixes indicating status. I got so absorbed into it that by the time of the third book, I found the Galts to be strange and foreign even though they're basically "us" Westerners. So I'd love anything exploring the culture of the Khaiem further! Particularly, I'd like to see stories concerning the clash of the two cultures, cultural misunderstandings or one of the cultures seen through the eyes of a foreigner. Maybe the impressions of a young Galtic soldier? Or some trade delegations meeting? Or the story of Ana and Danat (of which we've seen only a few glimpses)?
Or you could tell me more about the andat and their poets. I found the poet's school to be horrifying and depressing and Otah refusing to be part of that system was the best thing ever, but I can totally see such a sorting system work. I find it hard to believe that Otah was the first one to see through that cruelty, though. See a story there? Otherwise maybe tell me about more positive aspects - students bonding and helping each other despite all the odds. Or if you feel more adventurous and original, you could tell me the story of a girl disguising herself as a boy to pass the poet's school and become a poet. Would she have been successful?
The concept of the andat is very fascinating, too. I love how a poet has to understand all aspects of the andat and what it encompasses before he can even try bind it and the relationship between poet and andat is intriguing. I'd even read an excerpt from a poet's secret book about his andat!
If you want to focus on any of these world-building aspects, I'd be fine with original characters, too, as long as they fit the spirit of the world.
If you're looking for more specific prompts featuring characters from the book, you could write about: Otah's and Maati's friendship back when Maati still looks up to Otah as kind of a teacher (possibly in the poet's school?), missing scenes from Otah's and Kiyan's relationship, Otah's and Balasar's strange friendship. Sorry, that turned out a bit Otah-centric! Stories about other characters are fine, too, especially missing scenes from canon.
Sorry, but I found no online version of these books available. You can have a sneak-peak at amazon.com, but you can't read the whole thing there...
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
(Billy, Penny)
Sign-up details:
I'd like to see more of Billy and Penny. Maybe some laundry day interaction? Some of their meetings when Penny's already going out with Captain Hammer? Or you could tell me parts of their background stories. Surely Penny is more than just Billy's love interest - show me what a well-rounded character she is! Does she have some kind of dark secret / hidden identity, too? Or about Billy: When and why exactly did he decide to become a supervillain? (Please no super-angsty or sad story, though!) What else besides the videos we know does he put on his blog?
If you feel like breaking out of canon-defined boundaries, that's fine with me, too. An AU where Penny chooses Billy instead? Great. Or maybe chooses Billy and then they become world-class criminals and fugitives from the law? Go for it - and extra points if that happens in a Western AU (okay, any other AU could be fun, too). ^^ Or maybe genderswapping the whole cast and seeing how that'd effect their dynamics? All cool with me! :-D
Additional details:
If you want you can include other characters like Moist or the Evil League of Evil. I must admit I'm not a huge fan of Captain Hammer and I have a hard time seeing him as a benevolent super hero. But if you wanted to show him as more of a parody of a super hero and actually rather self-centered and flawed, you'd come close to my interpretation. Just don't make him be too mean to Billy - I LIKE Billy for his geeky self. I'm rather geeky myself (think Big Bang Theory - and yes, I'm even a physicist :-P), so all references to science or nerdy popculture are very welcome. :-D
(probably some more details to come)
You can watch the whole movie for free
here on youtube.
Pushing Daisies
(Ned, Chuck, Olive, Emerson)
Sign-up details:
First of all: You don't have to include all specified characters in your fic (though of course you can). Identically, I'm totally fine if you want to include other characters - I love the entire ensemble! ♥ Case!fic or some action-packed adventure would be totally awesome. Maybe a murder on Christmas? If you can't do plotty fic, I'd love some really atmospheric piece that highlights the show's incredible mixture between morbidity and sugar-coated sweetness (including bright colours and alliterated names ^^). I'd also love to see more of the characters' back stories: Chuck and her books, bees and cheese or Ned, maybe when he became the Pie maker and founded the Pie Hole? And did we ever find out how Ned and Olive met? Further, I love the narrator! If you could somehow include his remarks in your story, that'd be fabulous.
Additional details:
I love the show's creativity, playfulness and absurdity at times, so feel free to use all of your crazy ideas. Maybe you could try a creative approach to storytelling, too. Maybe using dreams or stories within stories? Or telling a whole story in pie recipes/cheeses/books? I'm all yours! :-D I feel this is a fandom that lends itself well to references from other stories or tropes, so you could also create some kind of parody if you wanted (crossovers could work well, too).
About the characters: I really like all of them, though I might like Ned best. His awkwardness is adorable and I love how friendly he is. About Chuck I like that she's so down-to-earth and practical - maybe you could contrast that with her book-loving dreamy younger self? Olive
expressing her emotions in songs is hilarious. If you want to include Olive's one-sided UST with Ned, that's fine with me, but I'd ask you not to pair them up for real (Olive's imagination might be different of course...). I like Ned's and Chuck's romance and yes, it's pretty sugar-sweet in canon. That's fine in your story, too, but if at all possible I'd ask you to balance that sweetness with some humour or unexpected plot twist and not only write about their romance. With Emerson I like his interactions with Olive and Chuck best and it could be fun to see the three of them having to work together on a case while Ned is busy doing something else (though I love Ned and I'd very much like to know what he's up to in the meantime...)
In this fandom I could see a Christmas or holiday related fic working very well, so feel free to go that way if you wish. Maybe some absolutely absurd case involving people getting killed with/by Christmas trees or something crazy like that? Or the characters celebrating (probably not overly religious) Christmas in their own very special and weird ways. :-D
Sadly, I couldn't find the show online. But have
two trailers instead.
Final Notes:
If you happen to get stuck on the fandom we were matched with and really, really can’t get on with any of the prompts, I’d recommend either “To Follow The Waves” or “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” as a back-up. Both have very short canons which are available online for free (see above for the links I have provided), so it should be pretty easy to familiarize yourself with them. (And if anyone is reading this letter looking for inspiration for writing treats, this is your cue. ^^)
Finally, I wish you an amazing yuletide experience and I hope you’ll have fun writing! :-)