How this works: Comment with your favourite colour and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better. Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
Got this meme and my five questions from
litlover12. If you want to play, too, comment with your favourite colour (or maybe your favourite song at the moment?). :-)
1. What's your favorite "Cabin Pressure" episode?
Okay, I'll be boring and choose the fan-favourite "Ottery St Mary". It simply has everything good in it: The guys singing, Douglas getting something wrong, Arthur getting to call Douglas "clot", Yellow Car, Carolyn & Herc and of course OTTERS! I LOVE THE OTTERS! ♥ Probably many more amazing and hilarious things - I find it's one of the most tightly written episodes. It's also my go-to Cabin Pressure ep when I need cheering up. Plus it's the one episodes that actually introduced me to Cabin Pressure because I stumbled upon
this Ottery St Mary / Sherlock mash-up and immediately needed to know where the audio was from. :-D
From the recent series, I'd probably choose "Vaduz" because I thought Princess Theresa was awesome and I loved her banter with Martin.
2. Which Doctor is your favorite?
Eleven! (I have to admit I only know Nine to Eleven, though.) I like that he's more funny than emotionally dramatic and I like his occasional goofiness. ^^ He seems the most human Doctor to me, as in he interacts with people more like they're his equals (from what I've seen so far), but I still buy that he's incredibly old and wise. He can't compared to Ten in things scientific, though. (Which might be a Moffat thing, since he introduced the "timey-wimey" stuff in Ten era already?) I love Ten when he's in science mode, rambling his pseudo-techno babble and putting his thinking glasses on. Glasses are sexy. ;-)
3. If you could spend an afternoon with one "Hunger Games" character, which one would it be?
I guess I'll be boring again and say Katniss, simply because she's my favourite character and I'd love to get to know her for real. However, I'm not sure we'd have terribly much fun together since we're both people who usually don't talk much and need some time to warm to new acquaintances. But maybe she could show me how to use bow and arrow and we could spend the afternoon doing some shooting, without all that much talking.
Actually, I might have more fun at an afternoon with Peeta since he's someone who likes to talk and I'm someone who likes to listen. Plus, I think I understand Katniss well, so maybe I could give him some advice. And he could bake me a delicious cake. ;-) But in the end, I think I'd still choose Katniss. I believe together we could take over the revolution with her power to take action and my ability to plan ahead. ^^
4. What's your favorite "Sherlock Holmes" (ACD) story?
Oh, that's a hard one. Actually, I have to admit (though really quietly) that I'm not a super big fan of the ACD stories and I have read far from all of them. I often find the writing a bit clunky and I don't like that you as a reader don't have the chance to guess along with Holmes because Conan Doyle deliberately withholds crucial information. But if I had to choose a favourite one, it might be "The Man with the Twisted Lip" because I guessed (at least part of) the solution before Holmes. :-P (I'd have to re-read some of the stories for a real answer.)
5. Are you planning on making any more fanvids anytime soon, and if so, for which fandom?
I'd really love to make some Doctor Who fanvids because there's just so much awesomeness in this show! However, I don't have the show on my computer (I actually do have the DVDs or rather I'm borrowing them), so that complicates things. Also, I haven't found the one perfect song to use yet. (Though I do have some songs in reserve, I could use, especially for Amy or Rory.) If anyone has any good suggestions, let me know. :-) But the problem with not having the show in digital form remains. I think I'd need a better program than Windows Movie Maker, too, because that really annoyed me last time with its limited options of how to cut or overlap scenes.