Title - Five Times Glitter Bothered the Doctor. And One Time It Didn't. (5/6)
Author -
earlgreytea68Rating - General
Characters - Ten, Rose, OCs
Spoilers - Through the end of S2
Disclaimer - I don't own them and I don't make money off of them, but I don't like to dwell on that, so let's move on. (Except for the kids. They're all mine.)
Summary - His daughters like glitter.
Author's Notes -
jlrpuckis still gallivanting in the UK, lucky cow, but before she took off she kindly beta'd this for me. Thanks also to Kristin, who suggested several of these scenarios, and to
bouncy_castle79for the read-through. The lovely icon was created by
swankkatfor me, commissioned by
jlrpuckfor my birthday.
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He intended it to be a treat. An entire society that had been built on the dazzle of glitter. Surely the girls would love it. He entertained them with tales of buildings drenched in glitter, so they shone and sparkled in the light of the sun. Which is what he was doing when Rose walked into the control room. Athena and Fortuna sat together on the captain’s chair, dressed in their most glittery outfits, staring at their father with wide, adoring eyes while they listened to him babble at them. Sometimes the adorableness of her Doctor interacting with their daughters had the ability to stop her in her tracks.
She listened to the Doctor’s lecture for a few minutes before saying, “And where are we off to now?”
“Mummy!” cried Fortuna, almost gasping in excitement, as she twisted on the captain’s chair to see her. “Daddy is taking us to a world made entirely of glitter.”
Rose had to smile. Of all the things they showed the kids, it was a world made of glitter that had truly impressed Fortuna.
“The roads are paved with it,” the Doctor said, dancing around the console. He glanced up at her briefly. “I thought, since you wanted Brem to rest, we’d go to a world where there’s no chance he’d want to tag along.”
Brem had caught a cold on the last visit to Earth. The Doctor was bewildered by the idea of his Time Lord son with a human cold, but Rose had pointed out that there were bound to be a few human bits in their human/Time Lord hybrid children.
“That’s a good idea,” Rose agreed. Brem, predictably, was not a good patient. He refused to sit still. And Rose was reluctant to just let them whirl through the Vortex for while, as she was hoping to avoid getting the girls sick as well.
“A world made of glitter,” said Athena, as they landed. “Why haven’t we been here before?”
“Yes, that is the question, isn’t it?” said Rose, wryly. “Wait a second while I go tell Brem what we’re doing.” She walked back to Brem’s room, and met him coming out of it. “And where do you think you’re going, young man?” she asked, turning him around and nudging him back toward bed.
“We’ve landed somewhere,” Brem complained, sniffling. “I don’t want to lay in bed while everyone else gets to have fun!”
“We’ve landed in a world made of glitter. For the girls. C’mon, into bed.”
Brem scrambled into bed. “A world made of glitter? Why would anyone want to go there?”
“Exactly,” said Rose, and rested the back of her hand against his forehead. It was possibly a bit warm. “I’m going to send your father out into the world of glitter with your sisters, and you and I can stay here and have a cuppa together.”
“And do what?” sniffled Brem, sounding pathetic.
“I’ll read to you,” she offered, and he brightened. It was something Brem loved, her reading to him. She suspected it was because it was a bit of quiet time where he had her all to himself, without the chaotic squabble of the rest of the family. He had developed the Gallifreyan speed-read well, and could have dashed through any book he wanted. And instead he would solemnly hand her something like Montaigne and have her read.
She went back to the control room, found it deserted, and frowned, poking her head out the door. The Doctor and the girls were standing just outside, and none of them looked happy.
“There’s no glitter,” complained Athena, as soon as she caught sight of her.
“Wellllllll, we didn’t land in the city,” the Doctor pointed out, indignantly. “Once we walk to the city, you’ll see.”
“I’m going to stay here with Brem,” said Rose. “D’you think you lot can watch your father for me?”
“Oi,” said the Doctor, as the girls giggled. “We’ll be fine,” he assured her, sulkily.
“Good. Have fun in Glitter World,” she said, closing the door.
The Doctor looked down at his daughters, who looked back up at him expectantly. They looked ridiculous in so much glitter. “Let’s go,” he said, and held out both hands. Each of them took one and they skipped with him up the short rise in front of them and along the road toward the city.
But there was a problem. As Athena and Fortuna chattered happily to each other, he squinted at the city and tried to determine why it wasn’t sparkling at all. The houses that were lining the road were drab and dull and definitely not glittery. He drew to a slow stop. Uh-oh.
“Daddy, what is it?” asked Athena.
“We, uh,” he began, and then a siren suddenly blared. Everywhere people stepped out of the houses, curious.
“Do not move,” blared a voice over the public address system that lined every house. “We have become aware of an iridescent offense.”
“See, what we’ve done here,” said the Doctor, slowly, “is we’ve landed before the Glitter Revolution. When this place was still under an authoritarian rule and anything too bright and shiny was, er, outlawed.”
He could feel Athena and Fortuna staring at him.
“We haven’t done this,” said Fortuna. “You did this.”
“Mum’s going to kill you.”
The Doctor turned abruptly, lifted Fortuna into his arms, and grabbed Athena by the hand. “Run,” he told her, and took off at a mad dash, dragging Athena along behind him. He could hear the commotion they had caused, the curious townsfolk now following them. The possibility flashed across his mind, as he dashed back to the TARDIS, that they may have just had a hand in causing the Glitter Revolution.
“This is why we don’t go places with glitter,” the Doctor told them, as he closed the door of the TARDIS behind them.
Next Part