Heat, dear, don't you let my Balthier scare you off. We want to see you for you, too -- although, a ladyfriend is always nice for when you two go off and have your mentalk. Anyway, do you have any dinner requests
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Now, dearest, there is nothing so terrible about being particular, isn't life so much more pleasant when everything is in its proper place? Never think for a moment that I don't appreciate all you do for me, angel.
Of course I remember the day I first found my heart's duet. You are not so different now, are you? I would ask to hear that recording when I come home, but in truth, I would rather listen to the live songbird herself.
Ah, thank you, Koudelka. I realize he's trying to encourage the world at large to be as happy as the two of you are. I will extend the invitation to a colleague of mine. I worry for her, at times, and I can think of no better friend for a young woman than yourself. Hopefully the two of you will get along well.
We really are some of the lucky ones. But then again, all are, in their own ways. She sounds lovely, and that's very thoughtful of you, Heat. I look forward to the evening.
Comments 9
Of course I remember the day I first found my heart's duet. You are not so different now, are you? I would ask to hear that recording when I come home, but in truth, I would rather listen to the live songbird herself.
You stuck out from all the others that night... I'm probably just thinking how much nicer it is to have a hearty home. Nevermind the differences.
However, this songbird has two dinners to plan. Won't you go and pick some things up?
Of course, angel. Simply tell me what you need, as I am forever your loving servant.
Delightful. Let me just hear back from your friends what they like and you'll be sent out posthaste.
Should I be making any special dishes?
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