User Name/Nick: Karly
User LJ:
rasputanian_ AIM/IM: Rasputanian
Other Characters: N/A
Character Name: The Doctor (Ninth)
Series: Doctor Who
Age: He claims to be about 900 at this point. Even though it's probably a lie and he’s older. Or it’s just really complicated. (Wishy-Washy-Timey-Wimey..)
From When?: The end of "The Parting Of The Ways". Just as he begins to regenerate after absorbing the energy of the Time Vortex from Rose with a kiss. His deal he made with the Warden was not to save himself, oh no, but to have time enough for one more journey with Rose. To go to Barcelona and end the trip before having to regenerate, and to allow himself the time to explain to Rose what was going to happen.
Inmate/Warden: Warden, all the way. Even with this incarnation's sins and problems, he's still the Doctor. The Doctor is pretty much the protector of Earth, and life wherever he finds it. His moral compass is strong(although sometimes unconventional and "alien"). For all the goodness and love Nine possesses, he has a rather strong set of flaws and sometimes an alarming amount of darkness inside of him. If someone or something does not fit in with his moral values, he can be ruthless, bordering on criminal negligence. This Doctor runs into situations recklessly, not thinking very much ahead, and even with his incredible ability to think on his feet, sometimes his impulsiveness leads to more harm than good. He has been fooled by people and creatures, and he is prone to believing in their good intentions even if there aren’t any there. Once he finds out he’s being double-crossed or lied to, however, he’s like a storm of vengeance and rage. He does not forgive lightly. Nine may have done and permitted terrible things that fit within his rigid character belief, but the most important thing about this version of the Doctor is that he’s motivated by passion. A genuine passion and desperation to set things right, to search for some good and some justice in the universe. He did a terrible (but arguably very necessary) thing in the Time War, choosing to destroy both the Dalek fleet AND his home planet Gallifrey. Nine will be able to connect well with some inmates because of the choices he has made and the dark places he has been. Some inmates will be pretty alright with him, as long as they don’t betray him or purposely mislead him. Aside from all of these flaws and intensities of Nine, he does have a lighthearted and boyish glee about showing people the universe and the wonders of existence. On ports, he will delight in showing his inmate around the world they will find. Of course, they will likely get themselves into trouble every time, but what’s the fun in playing it safe? I think if Nine is matched up with a semi-compatible inmate, he could make great progress with them. If he’s paired with someone that he’s not compatible with, it is likely he will call them a lost cause and give up (unless convinced otherwise). He’ll be mean and stern and probably pretty cruel. Nine encourages people to act on their better instincts. He will do so with any Inmate he receives. All in all, yes, Warden, all the way.
Item: His psychic paper should do well enough! Small, portable, AND fun.
Abilities/Powers: Physically, as a Time Lord, the Doctor has two hearts that beat about 170 times a minute, an internal body temperature of 15 degrees Celsius(59 Fahrenheit), and a respiratory bypass system that allows him to survive strangulation. Time Lords can also survive full exposure to the vacuum of space for a short time, have an increased resistance to higher frequencies of sound, and if they are wounded severely they can go into a healing coma which lowers their body temperature to below freezing as their body heals. Time Lords have a great tolerance to cold(able to survive at absolute zero for a short period of time), can shake off electrocution that would be fatal to most humans, and can read extremely quickly. A Time Lord’s constitution is pretty tough. A blow that would normally knock a human unconscious or instantly kill them mostly just stuns a Time Lord, but usually keeps them conscious. This is probably so that they have time to regenerate if they need to. Mentally, Time Lords can communicate by telepathy. The most effective way is through contact. They can also wipe memories from people with this ability, and implant their own memories into others. (In the Barge, the regeneration ability is a moot point, so I will not add that here!) Time Lords can sense and feel the past, present, and all future outcomes simultaneously. The Doctor can feel and sense which events in time are ‘fixed’ or in ‘flux’. What can be changed or altered, and what can’t be. ‘Time-sensitive’, he is usually unaffected by time loops and can sense a jump or distortion in the fabric of time.
Personality: The Ninth Doctor is a man of intensity. He is a beautifully tragic hero, possessing a genuine soul, with devastating failures and flaws that make him so much more human and relatable than most of his incarnations. Beneath his upbeat, witty, direct and sometimes manic exterior, he masks a lonely, melancholic and guilt-ridden personality. Going back and forth from running hot to cold, one moment Nine is full of manic energy and an offbeat wit and charm, and the next he is removed and reserved, detached and fully aware of the distance between him and humans. He’ll make a joke and laugh in the face of danger, but when he is alone he’ll become grim and serious. Because he believes that he is the sole survivor of the Time War, and he carries the weight of seemingly destroying both civilizations on his shoulders, he has been made into a deeply emotional character. Easily angered and easily saddened. The Ninth Doctor is filled with an appreciation for the wonders of the universe and the life within it, and with more determination than ever before, burns with a desire to keep the universe safe from harm. Despite this, he is often quick to point out the negatives of humanity. He calls them “stupid apes”, and shows much less patience with them than in the past. Sometimes he seems completely unimpressed and bored by their mental observations and their qualities. But at the same time, he wants to protect them with a fierce passion, along with other species. He has a sensitivity that makes him feel every single death he encounters, and sometimes isn’t willing to see necessary actions through to the end.
The Dalek are different in this regard. Nine hates them. Loathes every single Dalek and even after the events of the episode “Dalek”, still wouldn’t hesitate in wiping all of them out if he could do so without harming anyone else. The Ninth Doctor, although he still dislikes guns, wouldn’t be opposed to using one if he needed to. He displays a bit more acceptance of violence than his predecessors and the incarnations that came after him, knocking people out and putting them in choke-holds if it is necessary in his mind. Also he sometimes lets things die, if he feels they deserve it. He doesn’t directly kill them, but he sometimes chooses to let them suffer the consequences of their actions. Nine holds very strong moral beliefs about life and justice, but there are times where this doesn’t translate very well to other people’s way of thinking. For example, in the episode “The Unquiet Dead” when the Gelth ask to use the Earth’s dead to live and survive in, the Doctor thinks that it is a good solution. Rose is appalled and disturbed by the idea of an alien race living inside of corpses and walking around with their bodies. The Ninth Doctor thinks it’s a good compromise. After all, no one is using the dead bodies.
The Ninth Doctor tends to be more informal with his language use than previous Doctors. He uses slang and light curse words such as “hell” and “damn”. He also speaks with a distinctly Northern accent. Nine’s style is... Minimalistic. He wears his signature black leather jacket, buzzes his hair very short(which really, just makes his ears look even BIGGER), dark trousers, leather shoes, and V-Neck jumpers(black, burgandy, dark blue, or green). Captain Jack Harkness once said that it resembled a German U-boat commander’s uniform. Nine doesn’t change his outfit for anything, though. It’s sort of a statement to his personality. Stiff and strong.(I’ve always made the comparison between Nine and Ten being that Nine is a bit more Punk Rock, and Ten is a bit more Emo. Eleven is kind of like Indie! Just a random thought..)
The Time War left Nine feeling alone. More alone than ever before, more lonely than ever before. When he met Rose, he had no idea about the impact she would have on him. Although the two of them had spats, and he wasn't always the kindest to her, he did develop a love and respect for her. Rose filled that hole in his life. She made him connect when he had been so desperately trying to stay detached and distant from everyone and everything around him. Although at times it frustrated him to no end, Rose made him care again. Have hope for those "stupid apes". Believe in someone. Rose was his saving grace, and more than a few times got him out of the messes he charged into. In a way, she was like his Warden back home. The Doctor loves her.
Nine will look at the Barge as a grand adventure. So many people from so many different places all stuck in one giant multidimensional space-liner. He’ll want to run into every room to see what’s going on. Going to all sorts of worlds and places he couldn’t reach in the TARDIS is a marvelous idea. The Barge is a chance for him to have that one last journey, even if it is a long one, in order to make himself feel more redeemed as a character. Even through all of his journeys and all of the good he may have done, he still doesn’t believe it’s enough. It will probably never be enough. Perhaps through helping redeem the inmates he may be able to find some sort of peace. He’ll take his job very seriously, and he’ll strive to learn as much about these new sorts of people and creatures as possible. The amount of Time Lords here will shock him. Delight and terrify him. The other Doctors roaming about? Oh, he’ll find them really amusing, and he’ll probably get into more than one argument with each of them. Especially the Doctors that completely abhor any sort of necessary violence, and especially the ones that rail too hard on him for the Time War. Despite the conflict and the angst that is bound to happen with all of the other Time Lords, Nine will be comforted by their presence. Even with how much the Doctor loathes most of the Time Lords, at least here, he isn’t the last.
History: ((I would love to do a full history of The Doctor! But that would probably take hours to read, and much longer to write out. For the purposes of this application, I will briefly mention childhood, what we know happened in the Time War, and explain this character’s history only through the first series reboot.))
The Doctor is a Time Lord, an alien from the planet Gallifrey. Little of his childhood is known, although he did have a family. Not much is known of the general nature of his childhood, but Madame de Pompadour “saw” memories of his childhood during a telepathic connection and commented on how lonely he was. When asked by Martha Jones if The Doctor has a brother, he replied “not anymore.”
As all Time Lord Academy children do in an initiation ceremony, the Doctor was made to look into the Untempered Schism, a gap in space and time where one can view the time vortex. Some are inspired, some go mad(he suggests the Master belonged to this category), and some run away. The Doctor belonged to the group that ran away. The Doctor belonged to the Pydonian chapter of the Time Lords, who are notoriously devious. He was good friends with The Master at one time.
The Doctor leaves Gallifrey, blah blah, with his stolen TARDIS, blah, and becomes savior of the universe! Ish! :D Daleks, UNIT, time travel, companions, daughters and granddaughters, Cybermen, saving the world and the universe far too many times to count, and has had 8 regenerations! Nine believes that the Master is dead because he fell into the eye of harmony. Here’s where things get extremely important and even more serious for Nine’s history.
From what we know of the Time War, the Doctor tried to destroy the Daleks, his greatest enemy, before they could come to power. This started a war between the Time Lords and the Dalek. During this time, unbeknownst to the Doctor, the Master was resurrected by the Time Lords to fight, but he ran and hid himself as a human using a chameleon arch. Meanwhile, the Doctor was on the front lines fighting. At some point, the Doctor had a choice to make. To end the Time War and destroy the Daleks. Easy, right? Wrong. In order to wipe the Daleks out of existence, he would have to destroy the Time Lords as well. One can only assume how difficult this was for the Doctor, because it was never shown or illustrated. The Time Lords had become a corrupt and warped society from the Time War, and although the Doctor normally would try to find a way to save them, despite their corruption, he didn’t. It was probably a choice as simple and as complex as: All of them, or none of them. Kill them all or let the universe continue to be ripped to shreds. The Doctor made the choice and destroyed both races forever(so he thought). It is unknown if the Doctor was in his eighth or ninth reincarnation when the choice was made, but it is logical to assume that the action cost the eighth Doctor his life and he regenerated into his Ninth after. Exactly how he ended the Time War is unknown, although the Time Lords mentioned that he was in possession of something called “The Moment.” It is unknown whether "the Moment" refers to a time or a device used to end the war.
So, Nine was born in war and in death, believing he was alone, the very last of the Time Lords. Watching the Dalek fleet and his planet burn in agony, coming to terms with what he had done. It is reported that very shortly after his regeneration he appeared at Totters Lane in the early 2000s, wearing his previous incarnation’s clothes and muttering crazily to a local: “They’re all gone. I’m the only one left.” Nine also went on a few other adventures before meeting Rose. He was in Dallas at the moment of John F Kennedy’s assassination (possibly because he was being broody and morbid and sad. I don’t believe he interfered with anything.), and in Southampton just before the launch of the Titanic (in which he saved a family from a cold watery grave by convincing them not to go. Survivor’s guilt made him want to save people!). The Doctor also says later that he himself was on the Titanic, and ended up clinging to an iceberg when it sank.
An undetermined amount of time later, the Doctor found himself in London in 2005, discovering Auton activity. He rescued Rose Tyler from several Autons at her workplace by escorting her out, and then returning inside to blow up the building. Later, while tracing a signal of an Auton, he was reunited with Rose at her flat, and the two of them fought off a plastic hand that tried to kill both of them! Together, they confronted the Nestene Consciousness that was controlling the Autons. The Doctor tried to peacefully persuade the Consciousness to leave Earth, but refused and tried to take him prisoner. Trapped and unable to do anything by two shop-window-dummy Autons, the Doctor was helpless. Rose stepped in and saved him, and thus, the world. Appreciative of Rose’s assistance and bravery, he invited her to travel with him. After some hesitation, she accepted, and Rose Tyler became his companion! Yay!
The two of them went to the distant future when the earth was allowed to be destroyed by the sun, where they met the Face of Boe, and the Doctor saved the lives of everyone on board the observation deck. They went to meet Charles Dickens(Nine is his #1 fan!), where they fought and defeated the Gelth. When Rose and the Doctor returned back to Rose’s time period in London, they accidentally arrived one year later than he intended, causing a lot of problems between Mickey the Idiot, Rose’s mother, and Nine. While they were there, the Slitheen made a fake alien ship crash into Big Ben in London and attempted to take over and destroy the planet. Rose and the Doctor stopped them together, with a little help from Mickey and Rose’s mother, and a certain Harriet Jones.
When the two of them went to a museum in Utah, however, things took a different turn for the Doctor. It was there that they discovered a single Dalek, disabled and being kept as a trophy. It was here that the full rage and violence of the Ninth Doctor was shown, when the Doctor unleashed a rather impressive verbal assult on the Dalek and attempted to kill it before being stopped by the museum staff and owner. The first details of the Time War were revealed here, that the war concluded with the mutual annihilation of both the Time Lords and the Dalek, leaving the Doctor the last of the Time Lords. Rose showed sympathy to the Dalek, not knowing exactly what it was, and a series of events unfolded where lots of people died and Rose was nearly killed. The Doctor refused to see the effects that Rose had on the Dalek until it was right in front of him, and had been ready to destroy the damn thing with a gun! The Doctor was going to use a gun to kill something! Gasp, shock, horror! They picked up another companion named Adam Mitchell after the Dalek committed suicide, and they went on to Satellite 5.
On Satellite 5 they discovered a plot by the Jagrafess to manipulate Earth through its mass media. Adam tried to smuggle future knowledge back to his own time using Rose’s upgraded phone, and Nine promptly kicked him out back into his own time. After this, Rose convinced the Doctor to return to the day her father, Pete Tyler died. Rose saved her father from death and this caused a temporal paradox, which nearly led to complete disaster until Peter sacrificed himself to set time right again.
Following a mysterious object to wartime London in 1941, the Doctor and Rose met Captain Jack Harkness, a former Time Agent and con man from the 51st century. Jack’s latest con caused a deadly nanotechnological plague to spread through the human race, but he helped the Doctor and Rose end it, redeeming himself in the Doctor’s eyes. The Doctor saved Jack from certain death and Jack joined the TARDIS crew.
Jack, Rose, and the Doctor returned to Cardiff to refuel the TARDIS using the rift energy, and found that one of the Slitheen had survived and was posing as the city’s mayor, Margaret Blaine. After a lot of chasing and fun times, the Doctor decided to expose Blaine to the heart of the TARDIS, and the TARDIS regressed her into an egg. In this, she was given a second chance to live and grow up. In this episode, it was also the first time Rose and the Doctor realized that the two of them kept coming across the words “Bad Wolf”. But they didn’t know why.
The next thing that they know, the crew is abducted by Satellite 5 and caught up in a series of crazy game shows. Most of them resulting in apparent death of the contestant. The Doctor and Jack escape their scenarios, but Rose does not. By the time the two men find her, she is vaporized in front of them. Believing Rose to be dead, the Doctor enters a seemingly catatonic state. Not speaking, staring straight ahead, and unresponsive. Jack and the Doctor were held captive in a cell after trying to save Rose. They eventually break out, and the Doctor works out that the vaporizing does not, in fact, kill the contestants. That they are simply teleported to another ship! A ship that ends up being.. dundundun.. a Dalek ship. The Daleks were behind the whole thing. A small group of Daleks survived the war, including the Dalek Emperor. They had been hiding out near earth, manipulating and crafting its history in order to harvest humans to rebuild their army.
The Doctor confronted the Dalek about Rose and what they were doing, and when the Dalek said that he must not intervene with their plans, or Rose would be exterminated. Much to the surprise of everyone, the Doctor said No. Nope! He was going to save Rose, then he was going to save the earth, and then, just to finish off, was going to wipe every single stinking Dalek out of the sky! The Doctor rescued Rose, and realized that the only way to destroy the Daleks was to also destroy the earth. A choice extremely similar to that he made in the Time War, again, staring him in the face. The Doctor tricked Rose into getting back into the TARDIS, and sent her home, believing that he would die here, and wanting nothing more than to keep her safe.
When the Doctor was all prepped and ready to destroy both the Daleks AND Earth, he hesitated. Stating that he’d choose to be a Coward anyday, and die, rather than make that same choice again of annihilating two species. Back in London, Rose saw the words “Bad Wolf” everywhere she looked, and with some help from her mother and Mickey, opened up the heart of the TARDIS and absorbed the Time Vortex, causing her to become the god-like entity called Bad Wolf. She returned to the Satellite and destroyed the Dalek fleet with a wave of her hand, ending the Time War forever(sorta!). She also revived the dead Jack, causing him to become a fixed moment in time. But that’s another story.
The Doctor knew that the Time Vortex would completely burn Rose from the inside out, and kissed her, taking the Time Vortex energy into himself instead. Returning them to the TARDIS, he said his goodbyes to her as he began his regeneration, wishing just for a little bit more time.
Just as he began to regenerate, he was contacted by the Admiral and made a deal with him. Then he arrived at the Barge! And thought it fantastic.
Sample Journal Entry: (Video)
Hullo! [He waves a large hand in greeting, leans a little into the camera and gives it a brief and pointed look. As if he is looking for someone or something through the camera and into the network.] I'm the Doctor. Just, the Doctor. [Have a slightly smug and very manic grin!] Let me say first, that this is just Fantastic! Ship 'o plenty! Vast numbers of people journeying together to strange and new lands! Far more than I've ever taken at once. [He briefly looks puzzled, recalling a memory.] Sort of. Yeah.
Thing is, [Nine leans back in his chair and his grin falls into a straight and even line on his lips. If someone knows him enough to pay attention to such things, there is a worry line on his forehead as he speaks.] I know you're there. [The tone becomes sort of ominous, almost intimidating. Mysterious and vague.] Just as you know I'm here. Except, I'm at a disadvantage because I've already shown and identified myself.
[He pauses, just staring into the camera with intense icey blue eyes, a serious and dark look on his face, his lips firmly together. He's sensed the presence of Time Lords. How many, he has no idea. He also has no idea that many of the Time Lords are other Doctors.]
You have six hours. [Until he starts searching the ship for you. With crazy determination. The serious face makes one final significant look into the camera, then it breaks as if it never existed, and Nine grins happily, waving an enthusiastic goodbye and shutting off the camera.]
Sample RP:
He felt like he couldn't breathe. Two hearts, respiratory bypass system, and it still didn't help. There were Time Lords here, alright. Plenty of them. All types and sorts, different timelines and different motivations... And there were four of him. Four! Four other Doctors, three he had already been, and one... Well, one of them was the future. And he had stupid hair. And he looked like a baby. Young and attractive with really very small ears -- could he even hear with those? Nine had become accustomed to being the last, not that he enjoyed it.. But, all of a sudden being in such a small space with such a large amount of them? It was like being overwhelmed with energy and information, all pressing against his brain with prickling and throbbing and massive pressure. He couldn't breathe, so he needed to get out.
Out he went, escaping the confusing and suffocating decks below with a determined and slow stride. His right hand clenched his sonic screwdriver inside the pocket of his leather jacket. When he reached the open and vast deck of the massive ship, the pressure left his head and shoulders and seemed to vanish into the air. Out here he could breathe. The Doctor stared up at the stars and thought of the worlds that hid beneath the bright lights. All of those places out there. Even though he could breathe again, it didn't erase the jumbled, unreadable agony that stirred inside of his chest. Those pangs of guilt and that ever-present knowledge of what he did to Gallifrey. That even though the Time Lords were here, he had killed them. Killed them all. Nine wasn't so sure if he'd choose differently if he had another chance or not.
With a deep frown on his lips, and many strained wrinkles in his forehead, the Time Lord looked tired. Those that didn't know about what he did would find out eventually. How he burned that beautiful shining mountain-filled orange sky world to ash. How he'd do it again. Nine gripped the edge of the railing and slumped down, hanging his head between his outstretched arms. The joy of arriving here was not lost on him. This was a grand opportunity. He'd only hoped he wouldn't have to deal with an entire council's-worth of beings that would hate him for what he did, what he was.
He stood there a long moment, wallowing, letting the feelings pass through him as they came and went. Stinging before they passed on. He took in another deep breath, rising from his awkward and dramatic position to stand tall. Nine wiped the yet-to-fall tears from his eyes with great haste, and turned on his heels to return back below deck.
Because in his sudden need to feel sorry for himself, he had forgotten one thing.
"Rose," he said with delicate certainty. A slow smile returned to his face, growing and growing until his eyes were alight with excitement. It was time to find Rose.
Special Notes: Obviously Nine doesn't remember being here before! :] If there's anything I need to change or if something isn't clear enough about my portrayal, please let me know. Looking forward to playing with you!