An excellent two weeks, with a haul of six seven stories, which might well be the most Earthsea fanstories ever written at one time! Thanks go to everyone who participated, whether by writing or by reviewing. Do keep on reading & leaving feedback; I can guarantee that it's always very much appreciated.
I know at least one person is still writing so I'll add extra contributions as they arrive, but here are the stories so far...
The Dragon Year, by Firerose (Flint, Tenar; 12)
Crushing, by
miss_morland (Kossil; PG)
Fragments, by
westwind_dragon (Maharion, Erreth-Akbe; PG)
The Shadow Gone, by
miss_morland (Ged, Vetch; G)
On the Education of Daughters, by Firerose (Kossil; PG)
Loyalty, by
the_wild_iris (Jasper, Vetch; G)
Whole, by Northland (Alder, Lily; PG)
prompts remain open indefinitely. If you make it clear when you post that it's a work inspired by a ficathon prompt, I'll add it to the list.
Let me know if there's anything I've forgotten!