louis malle, luis buñuelearwickerworkFebruary 16 2005, 07:06:12 UTC
i liked au revoir les enfants and want to see some of his other films -- i'll check it out! tristram shandy is about failing to tell the story one sets out to tell, but rather being distracted by "the sunshine of reading," the millions of other things that are more interesting. combine tristram shandy and my dinner with andre and you get the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie, a luis buñuel film about a group of six upper-class acquaintances who set out to eat dinner together and fail at every turn. it's very theatrical and would work well as a theatre piece -- as a matter of fact, in one scene they're about to eat and a curtain rises and they discover they're on a stage! maybe it's just my sense of humor, but i find it hilarious!
Re: louis malle, luis buñuelmarshladyFebruary 16 2005, 18:06:34 UTC
Another Malle is "vanya on 42nd street", this group was literaly doing Vanya in living rooms and Malle got the idea of a movie of them making the play so it's on casual sets, very good.
Comments 3
This sounds interesting actually.
Have you seen "My Dinner with Andre"?
I mean no one even gets up from the table, or takes off their
clothes even...but it works too!
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