Ficlet: Star Light, Star Bright (Robin/Patrick, Brenda, Lana Verse

Jul 23, 2008 20:27

Title: Star Light, Star Bright
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 36 - Shooting Star
Pairing/Character(s): Robin/Patrick, Brenda, Lana
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Sadly, not mine. Though I'm okay with them belong to Sri.
Word Count: 961
Spoilers/Warnings: It's all AU
Summary: “Nobody has time for me anymore,” she said plaintively. “All anybody ever thinks about is Matt.”
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus. For normative_jean, who is in the midst of the hell that is moving, because she requested Brenda's introduction into the Lana Verse. Hope it's what you wanted, chica.

The downstairs of Robin and Patrick’s house was crowded with visitors.

As Brenda looked around the assembled guests who were there to celebrate the newest Drake’s baptism, she couldn’t find his older sister.

Brenda wandered into the kitchen and spotted Robin pulling trays of food out of the refrigerator. “Hey, Robin, have you seen Lana?”

Frazzled, Robin looked over at Brenda. “Lana? Last I checked, she was playing with the other kids in the den. She’s not there?”

Brenda shook her head. “Nope, I checked there. I’ll go look for her upstairs, maybe she just needed a break from all the partying.”

Robin flashed her a grateful smile. “Thank you, I’d go myself, because I’m sort of worried about her, but my hands are kind of full,” she said, gesturing towards the counter full of food.

Brenda waved her off. “No problem. I have something for her anyway.” She turned and headed out of the kitchen, weaving her way through the crowd and up the stairs to Lana’s bedroom.”

She found the little girl sprawled out on her bed, lying on her stomach reading a book.

From the doorway, Brenda asked, “What’re you reading?”

Startled, Lana dropped the book as her head spun towards the door. “Aunt Brenda! You scared me,” she scolded, as she picked her book back up.

Brenda laughed and walked in, seating herself next to Lana on the bed. “Sorry, kiddo,” she said, ruffling her hair.

Lana jumped back. “Aunt Brenda! Mommy is going to be mad if I don’t stay neat for pictures.” She smoothed down her hair.

“Oops,” Brenda said ruefully. “Didn’t think about that. I’ll fix it for you, I promise. Now, don’t you want to know why I came up here?”

“To check on me?” Lana guessed gloomily, sitting up and curling her knees into her chest.

“Now, why would you think that?” Brenda asked, as she put her arm around Lana’s shoulders.

The little girl shrugged. “Nobody has time for me anymore,” she said plaintively. “All anybody ever thinks about is Matt.”

“Now, you know that’s not true,” Brenda said gently. “Matt’s just so little that he needs a lot of attention right now, but your parents still love you and want to spend time with you, Lana.”

Lana looked miserably up at Brenda. “It doesn’t feel like that,” she sniffled.

“I know,” Brenda said soothingly. “You just need to give them a little time to adjust, okay, sweetheart? You know how you’re getting used to being a big sister?”

Lana nodded.

“Well, they’re getting used to being new parents again. You’ve already trained them, but they’re not used to boys, and everyone knows girls are so much better than icky boys.”

Lana giggled a little.

“See? Your parents have it just as bad as you do.” Brenda nudged Lana with her elbow. “So do you want to know why I came up here?”

Lana nodded eagerly. “Yes!”

“I have a present for you,” Brenda said gleefully, drawing a small velvet covered jewelry box out of her pants pocket. She held it out on her palm.

“For me?” Lana squealed.

Brenda laughed and tapped Lana on the nose. “Of course for you, go on open it.”

“Thank you, Aunt Brenda,” Lana said as she grabbed the box out of her hand. She pried it open and stared. “It’s so pretty.”

On the velvet inside was a silver necklace with a star pendant. At the center of the pendant was an opal, which flashed under the light.

“Do you like it?” Brenda asked hopefully. She pointed to the stone. “That’s your birthstone, you know.”

“I love it,” Lana said as she threw her arms around Brenda, hugging her tight. “Thank you!”

“You’re very welcome, sweetheart.” Brenda pulled the necklace out of the box and fastened it around Lana’s neck. “I just wanted you to have something that would remind you how much I love you, even if I am Matt’s godmother now. You’re still my favorite niece, okay?”

Lana giggled. “I’m your only niece.” She looked up at Brenda excitedly. “Can I go see it?” she asked, squirming with excitement.

“Of course you can.”

Lana jumped off the bed and ran to her vanity, which was a child size replica of Robin’s. She fingered the charm. “It’s so pretty.” She turned back to Brenda. “Thank you so much, Aunt Brenda. You’re the best.”

Brenda smirked and got up off the bed. She bent down to give Lana another hug. “I am, aren’t I?”

Lana giggled again, but before she could say anything, Patrick’s voice came up the stairs.

“Lana! Brenda! Get down here for pictures!”

Brenda rose and held out a hand. “Shall we?”

Lana slipped her hand into Brenda’s with a giggle, and they headed down the stairs.

At the foot of them stood Patrick and Robin, who had Matt curled up against her chest.

“There you are,” Patrick said happily, swinging Lana up and onto his hip. “We were wondering where you’d gotten to, you monkey.”

“You were?” Lana asked, voice full of disbelief.

“We were,” Robin confirmed. She reached up with her free hand to straighten Lana’s necklace. “That’s pretty.”

Lana beamed and looked behind her. “Aunt Brenda gave it to me!”

Did she now?” Robin murmured with a smile. She leaned around Patrick and mouthed ‘thank you’ to Brenda, who smiled and waved her off. Robin turned back to Lana. “I hope you said thank you.”

Lana nodded solemnly. “I did.”

“Alright, let’s get this show on the road,” Patrick said loudly.

Mac held up a camera. “Ready? On the count of three, I want big smiles… One, two, three…”


In the picture, the smiles on their faces show as brightly as the star hanging around Lana’s neck.

couple: robin scorpio/patrick drake, character: matt drake, character: lana drake, fandom: general hospital, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus, character: brenda barrett

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