Ficlet: Do You Want to Be My One and Only Love (GH, Robin/Patrick)

Jul 28, 2008 19:35

Title: Do You Want to Be My One and Only Love
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 63 - Say Yes
Pairing/Character(s): Robin/Patrick
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 588
Spoilers/Warnings: All part of the Lana AU.
Summary: A celebration of life, rather than a remembrance of death.
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus.

A year ago, they’d all been gathered for Georgie’s funeral.

Robin had chosen the anniversary of that day for Alanna’s baptism, in part because of Georgie’s role in her existence and in part because she thought that the entire family needed something to celebrate.

She thought that was what Georgie would have wanted. A celebration of life, rather than a remembrance of death. Mac and Maxie had agreed, and so they went through with the plans for the baptism.

Now, standing in front of the congregation at St. Timothy’s, Patrick, Lucky, and Maxie who was tightly clutching Alanna, at her side, Robin was certain she’d made the right choice.

Alanna was a surprisingly good sport about the whole ordeal, only crying a little as Reverend James sprinkled water on her forehead and when he took her from Maxie to present the newest member to the rest of the congregation.

With her daughter back in her arms, Robin started back down the aisle to their pew, but Patrick’s hand on her arm stopped her. She looked at him quizzically.

“Before concluding the baptism, Alanna’s father asked for a moment of our time,” Reverend James announced. “Patrick?”

Robin turned to Patrick. “What is this about?” She hissed under her breath.

He smiled. “Robin, over the last ten months, we’ve become a family, you, me, and now Alanna, something we affirmed today with her baptism.” He took a deep breath. “I’ve asked you this before, but I’m hoping that today you’ll give me a different answer.”

Robin started to shake slightly, and Maxie swooped in to take the baby from her.

Patrick took advantage of the opportunity to grab Robin’s left hand. “Robin, will you marry me? Be my family?” He dug a ring box out of his pants pocket, and opened it for her to see.

Robin stared at Patrick, her hand covering her mouth, eyes wide with shock.

“Um, Robin?” Patrick prompted, a hitch in his voice. “Did you maybe want to answer the question?”

“Have you lost your mind?” Robin blurted out, hand coming out to hit Patrick in the bicep.

He rubbed at it gingerly. “I hadn’t thought, so no.” His face took on a serious expression. “Robin, please. Be my family. Say yes.”

“Are you absolutely sure?” Robin asked hopefully.

Patrick smiled softly at her and dropped his voice to where only she could hear it. “Say yes.”

“Yes.” Robin practically whispered the word, but it was enough.

A wide smile broke out on Patrick’s face for the instant before he pulled Robin into his arms and pressed his lips firmly to hers. They lost themselves in the kiss for a moment, but the congregation behind them bursting into applause startled them out of their own private world.

They turned and smiled foolishly at everyone. Patrick pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it onto Robin’s finger, pressing a kiss right above it before taking her hand in his. Maxie handed Alanna back to Robin, and Robin settled her against her chest, as Patrick bent down to kiss the top of the baby’s head.

Reverend James said, “We’ll expect to see you all back here shortly for your wedding, you hear? We normally try to save the kissing at the altar for after the vows have actually been exchanged, though.”

Robin blushed, and started to tug Patrick down the aisle, back to their seats. He laughed and followed obediently behind, Maxie and Lucky trailing behind them.

She’d finally said yes. That’s all that mattered.

couple: robin scorpio/patrick drake, character: maxie jones, character: lana drake, fandom: general hospital, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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