computer related help wanted/work offered...

Aug 01, 2012 12:17

it's been a while since i read or wrote here, and since i spent a lot of time in online spaces... this request is linked to a major reason why!

i'm looking for some help replacing some computer equipment, and hoping that someone amongst my networks and connections might be able to assist - maybe you or yours, or someone yous know (to who/where do you go for computer related support/help/fixing?). some of yous are geographically far flung, but it occurred to me that you might know people equally far flung, and consequently closer to me.

i'm looking to replace existing computer equipment here to achieve a more efficient, ergonomic and accessible interface than i currently manage... i don't think i have the existing knowledge/skills to do it/all of it myself, and am short on the energy to acquire them, so am seeking outside help.

you might know about/do these things in an amateur way and be happy to help. it might be something you do professionally and either be happy to help with, or might wish to offer your professional services (talk to me about your experience, skills and fees). i personally tend often towards less need for immediate reciprocity in a lot of what i do/have done, and am happy to receive help knowing that i'll be doing something equally helpful somewhere else sometime, but i understand that we all work in different ways through choice or necessity, and that a more immediate skill share (ask me about things/work i do/have done for money or for free) and/or payment of some kind for any professional expertise might be your preference. whatever the agreement, i expect to meet all material costs, and any specific travel expenses.

while i've thought that i could really do with someone coming and helping me sort it all out, i'm also open to the possibility of various of yous helping with different aspects of my information/advice/help needs and collating them myself/with support - it's possible that i might be able to do it all myself with information and instructions from yous on the bits i'm not so sure/confident about.

what i need:

* to replace current desktop pc with something better!

* knowledge & experience of different operating systems - ubuntu/such & windows, maybe mac...

* knowledge & experience of dual boot wrt operating systems, and hard drive partitioning.

* a bit of help with backing stuff up - both current, and maintaining more efficient future.

* knowledge & advice wrt adaptive technologies, especially: voice recognition software, alternative (to standard mouse) navigation, touchscreen technologies?, customising hardware & software combinations to individual needs...

* preferably conversation(s) in person prior to, during and after setting all this up. possibly/probably a bit of ongoing support.

* a bit of input re the existing equipment here - what/if any/how much of it could still be useful, and maybe some help trying to get one basic functional backup machine from two currently struggling pcs (currently have two old pcs, one running ubuntu, t'other running windows).

* a bit of information & advice about portable computers would be great too - laptops, netbooks, tablets...

* someone/people who is/are calm, patient and really good at explaining stuff in a variety of ways. i tend to be quite visual, and will probably need to draw diagrams/pictures to help me understand and remember what we're talking about.

if this sounds like something you/yours could help me with, or you have any suggestions/advice/ideas, please get in touch.


help request, computer

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