The sky was gold!

Mar 13, 2006 21:22

FTHS legitamately getting 3rd place overall
Corey's reaction when he won DI
Katie and Locke kicking Evan Waters' ass

Incerpt from my deadjournal on October 2nd, 2002:
i joined Forensics too...uhhh...very strange...LOL! its fun i guess...but the people are weird! they were playing football in the hallway and i almost got hit! LOL! and then they took a tennis ball and there binders and started hitting the tennis ball around the room with their binders LOL...

It's funny how I viewed forensics back then. The only people I hung out with my frosh year in forensics were Michelle, Sam, and Serafina. I don't even remember the seniors at the time teaching me how to debate; KenDoug and Baia (who were juniors at the time), taught us. My first tournament I did LD Debate (BIGGEST.REGRET.EVER) I went 0-4. The following tournament, I advanced to break rounds and ended up 3-1, 8th place. That was my last tournament my frosh year. I was easilly frustrated at the time, and instead of changing categories, I decided to just not go to anymore tournaments that year.

Sophomore year I continued with LD Debate, but at JV level. Hated it.

Junior year, Allie and I decide to do public forum debate. Our first tournament was absolutely horrible. All 3 of the teams we faced ended up breaking and were beasts (On the positive side, I got to watch Nicole Anllo's first break round EVER). Then we go on a 2-2 streak. Then Joe and I randomly did PF at one tournament...which was humorous. Then it was Morristown, where Allie and I broke for the first time in first place. Didn't get a slot at states because too many teams qualified, so I watched instead.

Senior year, Allie and I could have easilly broken at HP1, and it's one of a few times where I'll blame inexperienced judges. Do PF a few more times, until Allie can't come to tournaments anymore. Then I don't have a set category. I break in HI at Montville, which was random.

So states. This was my first states ever. I got offered free slots frosh and soph years, but was unable to attend (Grandma's surprise party frosh year and Greeney's Sweet 16 sophomore year). Last year too many PF teams qualified. So I did HI, and it was horrible in the sense that every single person with the exception of 2 people who were in my rooms advanced to at least semis.

After my first round HI (which included all semi-finalists, including B-Rod and Drew, who were phenomenol), I watched Stringer's improv round. The judge had no clue what she was doing and was distratced by the animals in the room. I watched the worst improv/impromptu/whatever about a person who got their tie stuck in a paper shredder. It was horrible. Oh my god.

Then a whole bunch of us sat around and laughed about what Marla and Corey's baby would be like.

Then we go home. I sleep. I wake up. I drive. I get on bus. Drink my gross energy drink. Yeah.

Fast forward 2nd and 3rd round. I start crying after 3rd round, knowing that I just completed my last forensics round ever. Michelle, Stringer, Anllo, and Joe make me laugh and feel better. Semis are posted! Joe advances in poetry and prose, Alanna in poetry, Jeffy in poetry and DI, Priyanka in declamation, Anllo in HI, Cydni in HI, Stringer in improv, and IX, DX, OO, duo, impromptu all go into a 4th round. I go and watch Anllo's HI round, she did absolutely awesome but she was in a really tough room. :( I give so much credit to this girl. I was shocked when she didn't make prose semis, knowing that one judge must have screwed her over. She took it so unbelieveably well. She was like "Wow this is reversed. I thought I'd get into prose semis rather than HI semis."

After semis, we all just chilled, watched Ridgies play football, pray to the forensics god, etc. Then finals are posted. Joe advances in poetry and prose, Priyanka in declamation, Slotnick in impromptu, Garson and Locke in IX, Sam and Shannon in DX, Shannon/Josh and Locke/Katie in PF, and oh god I'm sure I missed someone. I decide to watch prose finals. It was the most depressing room EVER. There were only 2 humorous pieces. As I watched the round, I thought to myself "Damn if Anllo was in this round, she'd easilly rank high in this room." I mean, Series of Unfortunate Events? Soloman's prose, which is basically him just preeching? The judges were bored, I could tell. Drummy was sitting in back of me and I could tell he was about to fall asleep after watching 7 rather bland prose pieces. Joe was the last one to go in the room. He captivated the audience, the judges were hysterically laughing, and I knew that moment that he totally owned that room.

Then we hear that Locke and Katie defeated Shannon and Josh and were now advancing to semis, against Basil Patel and Evan Waters. I go and watch, and it was probably the most entertaining debate I've ever seen. Evan Waters is an asshole ("Are you done with your monologue yet?" "They have $6 hair cuts!") Locke and Katie owned and move onto finals against Marlboro ("awkward busride home?") The whole team basically watches, the Russian Dressing dance is done during prep time, and we all are ultimately confused as to the results of this round.

Closing ceremonies! Policy debate is announced first. BORING. Then they talk about coaches, and we all stand up and applaud Appy and are all like "YAY APPY!" and she gets really happy. Yay Happy Appy. DI is announced, and we all sit at the edge of our seats as Corey keeps on advancing. He wins first, his reaction was priceless. Our team goes crazy. Locke and Katie get 2nd in public forum, which I still don't understand, and Josh and Shannon come in 6th. Priyanka comes in 6th place in declamation. Slotnick comes in 7th in impromptu. Sam is 6th in DX and Shannon beats Bharat for 2nd. Locke is 7th in IX and Garson comes in 3rd. SFrank gets 6th place in varsity debate, and Ben Sugarman comes in 8th in novice LD.

Then the best part ever happens. Poetry finals are announced. The team erupts once 3rd place is announced, and still Joe's name was not called. Then 2nd place is called, and it wasn't Joe's name. We go FUCKING insane. Joe is the state champion in poetry with his piece about a horny 7th grader, a girl obsessed with Leonardo DiCaprio, and a crazy teacher, while most pieces are about rape, hip-hop, etc.

Then prose is announced. I clutched onto Cydni's hand and was at the edge of my seat because I knew Joe could have easilly won this as well. When they announced Ben from Randolph in 3rd place, I knew Joe won the category and I started to cry. Needless to say, Joe becomes the state champion in prose as well (with his piece about talking vaginas), gets $500 in scholarship money, and now gets to meet Jon Corzine.

The team sweeps 3rd place, which was a great way to end the forensics season. The bus ride home was full of speeches and lack of tears (I still don't know why I wasn't crying). Then there was Friday's and yeah.

Well I'm going to do my homework now.
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