Title: The Police (Episode Seven : Déjà Vu)
Authors: bloody_adorable and eviltwin
Fandoms: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki.
Rating: Adult.
Wordcount: 3,373
Summary: AU. Based around a police armed response unit comprised of seven very different people. There's a new enemy on the streets... Can they catch him before he
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Comments 40
Well, guess what...
You hurt Jared:( He'll be ok won't he, 'cause Jensen has to come back and kiss everything better, yes?!?
Excellent update m'dear, worth the extra wait:)
but man oh man i'm hopping Jay is going to be ok! and that Jen is going to find out about it somehow and go and see if Jay is ok.
awsome job :D
I really want to yell at Jensen for taking the easy route and walking away! Hopefully he'll hear about what happened to Jared and will go to kiss him better... right???
Amazing chapter, it was worth the wait!
PS. I like Sam, don't get me wrong, but he needs to go away!! lol
Looking forward to the next update!
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