Title: The Police (Episode Nine : Coming Clean)
Authors: bloody_adorable and eviltwin
Fandoms: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki.
Rating: Adult.
Wordcount: 4,128
Warnings: Violence, death (not main character).
Summary: AU. Jensen comes clean to Jared, as well as his boss.
Disclaimer: None of the following is true in any way
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Comments 33
Jen/Sam = AHHH! D:
Jen/Jare - AWWW :D
(The comment has been removed)
And, hopefully, more will be posted this weekend!! You've all been so patient with me! Evil just has to iron it out, and it'll be posted as soon as she's done!
AND. I posted the comment before I said thank you, so...THANK YOU!
I was just wondering were the next chapter was the other day:)
It was kind of creepy the way that Sam left the knife for Jensen. They just have to find him now, before Sam can do anymore harm.
Excellent update m'dears:)
But yeah, Sam's a little more than nuts, I think. ;)
Thanks so much!
this story has been friggen AMAZING.
and also? I'm kinda creeped out. b/c for a while today I was thinking of this story and wondering when it was going to update next...and then i get home and it's first on my flist o_O
haha anyways yeah, this was a great chapter. I'm glad Jensen is totally coming clean and that him and Jay are gunna work on their relationship...i'm also glad that Sam didn't try and kill jensen then and there..was kinda worried about that xD
can't wait for the next (and last..) chapter!!
Thanks so much!! Hopefully, more this weekend!!
damn, Jensem finally landed in the mess of biblical proportions...just the size of his ego , I suppose)))
ans I can`t wait up for the "trying" period of J2...and not let us forget about the upcoming coming-out...hehe...
Hopefully, the last chapter is to your liking!!!
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