holy shit 100 things about me...that you wont care about

Oct 29, 2005 23:49

100 things about me with a double space between each one....i almost didnt put this behind an lj cut just to be a dickhead and blow up everyones friends pages....

1* First grade teacher: mrs vass

2* Last word(s) you said: i wanna be, i wanna be a homosexual.

3* Last song you sang: "hats off to halford" by atom and his package

4* Last person you hugged: ms. casey caufield

5* Last thing you laughed at: atom and his crazy package

6* Last time you said I don't remember: tonight at the show when justin asked me when i was comin down to visit.

7* Last time you cried: ugh i dunno...not in a while.

8* What's one thing you wish you had: debt free living.

9* What color socks are you wearing: white....feet are cold other wise id be...oh wait...i took em off half way through

10* What's under your bed: 3 drawers.....my brother keeps his stuff in them

11* What time did you wake up this morning?: 10ish...maybe a little before i never look at the clock in the mornin on weekends

12* Current taste?: nothing

13* Current hair: moist and pointy....i rinsed it.

14* Current shirt: LONG SHOT HERO

15* Current annoyance: i broke out on from the makeup i used for a halloween costume

16* Current longing: cool sheets and pillow to lay down on...

17* Current desktop background: animated toast with jelly on it, wearing a baseball cap

18* Current worry: my debt...thats my only worry...

19* Current hate: Marshalls in hackettstown

20* Current favorite article of clothing: bandana

21* Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: big ol' titties...no just kidding im a face guy

22* Last CD that you listened to: a mix me and casey made this afternoon...but for a real cd: "underdog world strike" by gogol bordello

23* Favorite place to be: wherever my friends are

24* Least fav. class: haha...im not in school... i will get back to you on that in the spring.

25* Time you wake up in the morning? on the weekdays i get up at 3:15 to get ready for work

26* Favorite instrument: accordian, violin, trombone, organ, accoustic guitar.

27* Favorite color(s): black, white, dark blue, grey

28* Do you believe in love at first sight: yes

29* How tall are you: 6' 1''

30* Current favorite saying: oh geez...i dunno...

31* Favorite book: i dunno...i got a bunch

32* Favorite season: fall

33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my uncle paul...he was a killer artist.

34 to 43.. missingm i guess someone along the way didnt want to answer these...

44* Been to Hawaii: no

45* Been to Mexico: no

46* Been to China: no

48* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: nothing crazy...but im always dreamin about stupid things like eating a ham sandwich or somthing dumb like that.
49-51 are missing also

52* Do you have a crush on someone: yes yes yes

53* What book are you reading now? none...im gonna get a new one soon

54* Worst feeling in the world: stomache virus (physical) / guilt (emotional)

55* What is the first thing you think of when you wake in the morning: "urghhhhhh"

56* How many rings before you answer? usually how ever many it takes to get to the phone...sometimes i accidently pounce on it and answer fast...sometimes i intentionally dont pick up for 3 or 4

57* Future daughter's name: rose marie, jenny,

58* Future son's name: james, noah, jakob...

59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nope

60* If you could have any job you wanted: blue collar job, that i can be proud of

61* Wish you had: time to sleep during the week

62* College plans: county next semester for graphic design0

63* Piercings: my wiener....just kidding

64* Tattoos: nope

65* Do you drink: nah

67* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner: whatevers in the shower and doesnt smell like butt

68* What are you most scared of: pooping blood.

69* What clothes do you sleep in: athletic shorts and a tshirt.

70* Who is the last person that called you: um...probably my mom/

71* Where do you want to get married: someplace nice, but modest.

72* If you could change anything about yourself? i would be more physically fit and a good singer haha

73*Who do you hate?: alright...by saying intolerent people im a hypocrite...but yah...im not a big fan of intolerance, and greedy people


75* Are you timely or always late: it depends...i dont usually sweat it...

76* Do you have a job: haha...2...UPS and Marshalls

77* Do you like being around people: yeah...but not lots of people...

78* Best feeling in the world: freedom...absolute freedom

79* Are you for world peace: haha...sure....

80* Are you a health freak: not really...but i dont drink soda, or eat crappy food...


83* Are you lonely right now: no


86* Do you want kids : yah


87* Cried: nope

88* Bought Something: yes i wish i didnt waste my money on stupid shit

89* Gotten Sick: almost


93* Met someone: yeah...bryan...he knows all the LONG SHOT HERO lyrics, and hes a crazy motherfucker

94* Moved: haha not my home...hah....body..yes

95* Talked To Someone: yes

96* Had A Serious Talk: not reaally

97* Missed Someone: yup


99* Yelled at Someone: not really

100* Dreamed About something you want?: yes

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