person that slept in your bed: me
person that made you cry: it wasn't a person exactly, just an event
person that you shared something with: caroline...umm well i stole part of her cookie does that count?
person that you went to the movies with: jenniferr
person that you went to the mall with: jen
person that yelled at you: my dad
movie you saw: hitch
thing you ate: frozen coolwhip
time you went out of state: hilton head in december
said I love you: yeah
liked a close guy/girl friend: yeah
liked a person so much you cried: yeah :(
watched the smurfs: not on tv but at carowinds once
been in love: no
made home-made cookies: heck yes
hiked a mountain: yeah i love the mountains
been out of the nation: yes
been to Alaska: no
been to Mexico: no...but i'll be there for spring break
been to Canada: no
had the falling dream: yep. not lately though
eaten an entire box of oreos while unloading the groceries: no because i can only eat oreos when they are dunked in milk and it would be hard to do that while unloading groceries
gone to a concert: yeah. and im going tonight yippee :)
wished you were the opposite sex: of course
had an imaginary friend: an imaginary dog named bingo. he got me into some trouble
red or blue: red
spring or fall: fall
math or english: english. math should die.
hot or cold: hot
lace or satin: satin, lace itches
new or old: both
blondes or brunettes: brunettes :)
give or receive: both
rock, paper or scissors: paper
rose or daisy: both
chocolate milk or plain: plain definitely
cats or dogs: dogs
boxers or breifs: boxers
bath or shower: shower
cursive or print: well my print borders on cursive sometimes so i dunno
gold or silver: silver
croutons or bacon bits: croutons, bacon bits are too rubbery
high school or middle school: can i say neither? i guess high school
pizza topping: olives
board game: Clue
game: twisterrr
room in your house: mine, it rocks
type of music: i like it all
sport: riding
song: wayyyy too many i couldnt even begin to name them all...but i like aint no mountain high enough by marvin gaye
shoe: flip flops
drink: water
memory: mashing cookies and vanilla ice cream and watching wizard of oz in virginia when i was little
color: green or orange
smell: cookies in the oven
sound: horses...being horses
subject: eh
theme song: friends
cd: one tree hill soundtrack
tv channel: WB and food network
movie: again, i have a trillion...stepmom or school of rock maybe
kitchen appliance: spatula? its a good device for hitting small children.
magazine: people
article of clothing: soft t shirts
actor: josh hartnett
actress: hm. not sure, they all kind of annoy me
show: one tree hill
animal: horses and mooses
time of day: any time after school
children's book: "which witch is which" i think its called
chore: sweeping!
super power: reading minds, im nosy
month: november
day of the week: friday or tuesday
holiday: Christmas
sesame street character: grover <3
type of chocolate: dark
book: probably summer of the sisterhood
type of popcorn: kettle corn!!
soup: minestrone
what are you wearing now: blue pj bottoms and a sweatshirt
do you have pets: dog, horse, and Magically Multiplying Gerbils--watch them grow!
what is under your bed: so much crap i dont even want to look
give random hugs: if i feel like it
like chapstick: couldnt live without it
like to walk in the rain: as long as it isnt freezing rain
think you are smart: yeah
chew gum: eclipse polar ice mmm
date: not currently
like cookies: hell yeah. soft ones.
bought something: yep, yesterday
gotten sick: no
sang: of course
played an insturment: no, i have consideration for others
had a serious talk: yeah
missed someone: yep
hugged someone: yeah
what do you look for in a guy or girl: is a nice person and likes me for who i am
what is your your ideal guy or girl: havent found him yet
what is the color of your carpet: greyish
what is the color of your bathroom: periwinkle
what is the color of your room: bright green
what is on your mousepad: its a stack of christmas paper, not sure why though
what inspires you: everything
what time do you wake up: whenever i have to pee so bad i cant sleep anymore
what time do you go to bed: when i'm tired
have you ever liked somebody you had no chance with: YES and it sucks
are you ...lonely: sometimes, but not usually
what store would you max out a credit card with? i could do that pretty much anywhere. i like ac moore though, and it wouldnt be too hard to do in a tack shop