(no subject)

Jan 28, 2007 15:27

::ALL ABOUT YOU::-tHe_BAsiCs-FULL NAME::Kate M. Heemsoth NICKNAME(S)::I don't have any. The typing on this survey annoys me. B-DAY::9/29/89. Does it really take so long to type out "Birthday"? HOW OLD::Seventeen. Can't you do basic math? BORN WHERE::Port Jefferson, New York WHERE NOW::Harwich, Mass. Uh-oh. Don't come kill me now. SHCOOL::Harwich High. GRADE::Senior. Word. LIVING SITUATION::With my.. parents... SIBS::Sibs? ew. Brian. PETS::Brewster. RACE::100% Gangsta. HERITIGE::Irish, German, Italian, French, English, Dutch. And I'm pretty sure that might be spelled wrong. Let me google it. RELIGION::Catholic. Yes, it was spelled wrong. There's an "a" in Heritage. ZODIAC SIGN::Libra. CHINESE ZODIAC SIGN::Snake. Hisssss. LABEL::Cambell's Chicken & Stars. SEX::Female. Shouldn't that be up near name? Hmm. STATUS::Single. And busy. And "Overdramatic". -LoOks_ANd_SUcH-BODY TYPE::Eyes. Mouth. Nose. Ears. [Amazing] Hair. Feet. Arms. Legs. Hands. Fingernails. HAIR COLOR::Reddish Blondish Brownish. EYE COLOR::Green. SKIN TONE::Pale. Currently bleeding. That's alarming. PIERCINGS::Two in each ear. TATOOS::I have belonaphobia. GENERAL WEIGHT::Too much. GENERAL HIEGHT::Too tall. STYLE::Amazing. I'm just like Meryl Streep in that movie where she was my idol. Oh right. That's every movie of hers. -Do_YoU-SMOKE::I like to remain cancer free. DRINK::Very very rarely. DO DRUGS::I have belonaphobia. And I don't like things that don't taste good. And I don't smoke. Oh, and I'm not a total idiot. SWEAR::Only when people make me mad. SPEAK ANOTHER LANGUAGE::Very bad spanish. And op. Of couse op. LIE::Onoplopyop sopomopetopimopesop. GOSSIP::What girl doesn't? CHEAT::On tests? On my boyfriends? At chess? STEAL::No. And no to all the above. LIVE FOR OTHERS::As in, do I live instead of them? Well, that's very saddistic. HATE SOMEONE::No, not really. LOVE SOMEONE::No, not really. Other than my famILLy. We're gangsta. It's just how we roll. Holler. HAVE A CRUSH::I have a schedule. I don't have time to "crush". HAVE A BOY/GIRLFRIEND::See above. I also don't like the term "crush". It sounds painful. SING::All the time. GET GOOD GRADES::Good enough. BE YOURSELF::Whenever I'm not on stage. -ThIs_Or_THaT-CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA::Chocolate. PIZZAHUT OR DOMINOS::Pizza Hut. It took me awhile to decipher that first word. MCDONALDS OR BURGERKING::McDonalds. COUSINS OR SUBWAY::SubWay. What's Cousin's? Like Danny and Micheal? CHINESE OR MEXICAN::Chinese. COKE OR PEPSI::Diet Coke. SPRITE OR SIERAMIST::Sprite. CHERRY OR STRAWBERRY::Strawberry. SWEET OR SOUR::Sw33t. HUGS OR KISSES::Kisses. SNUGGLING OR CUDDLING::Ew. Very little of either. I don't very much enjoy being touched. LOVE OR LUST::Love. LONG RELATIONSHIP OR ONE NIGHT STAND::Long Relationship. BESTBUY OR CIRCUITCITY::Best Buy. This seems out of place here. I feel like that should be up with the Mexicans. BLACK OR WHITE::Green. DAY OR NIGHT::Night. HOT OR COLD::Hot. LOVE WITHOUT SEX OR SEX WITHOUT LOVE::Love without Sex. Although I don't understand why you're not having sex if you're in love. TV OR COMPUTER::Computer. SINGLE OR GROUP DATES::Single. BLUE OR RED::Red. TRICK OR TREAT::Tricks. DOGS OR CATS::Both. I want a Cat Dog. Like on nickelodeon. FLORIDA OR CALIFORNIA::Florida. It takes too long to get to California. Although I'd like very much to go to San Fransisco. NEW YORK OR CHICAGO::New York. LAS VEGAS OR DETRIOT::Vegas. NIKE OR ADIDAS::Addidas. -HaVe_You_EVer-BROKEN A BONE::Ankles. Wrists. Your momma. ALMOST GOT KILLED::Yeah. I have many enemies. They call me Black Mamba. SKIPPED SCHOOL::Obviously. Someone tell me what black mamba comes from. I'll give you a prize. GOT DETENTION::Of course not. GOT EXPELLED::Obviously not. BEEN TO JUVIE::Oh, yes, it's my summer home. BEEN IN LOVE::I'm in love with [Younger, Guys & Dolls cerca] Frank Sinatra, Will Ferrell, and Dermot Mulroney. I decided this last night. HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN::Of course. PICTURED YOUR CRUSH NAKED::Hahaha. I certainly hope I'm not accurate. CHEATED ON SOMEONE::No. SEEN A DEAD BODY::Yesterday. CRIED IN SCHOOL::Like three weeks ago. PUKED IN SCHOOL::Ew. Gross. No. SHOPLIFTED::I'm a rebel. I stole a bracelet from Icing. Call a policeman. DRANK::Obviously. SMOKED::No. DONE DRUGS::No. EATEN SUSHI::Yum. This seems out of place here. -ThE-OppOsITe-Sex-IdEAls-BODY TYPE::Not a tank. HAIR COLOR::Dark. EYE COLOR::Dark. HOTT OR SWEET::Uhh. Sweett. Look at me, adding double "T"s. I'm so fly. STYLE::Fly. HIEGHT::Taller. HAIR LENGTH::Longish. PERSONA TRAIT::Breathing. Alive. AGE RANGE::17 - 20. I don't know. -End_WItH_SoMe_RAnDomS-DRINK MILK::Gross. Gag. Barf. GOING TO COLLEGE::Obviously. I'm not a moron. GRADES FAILED::None. I skipped a grade. BEST ICECREAM FLAVOR::Milky Way. Or Mint Oreo. SCARED OF CLOWNS::No. I'll smack a bitch. SICK OF SEEING LOL::No one I know uses "chatspeak" anymore. It's very 7th grade-esque. OWN AN IPOD::Yes. It's green. BEST RADIO STATION::Frank! BEST PIZZA::Pizza Hut Hawaiian Pizza. HAVE A SODA ADDICTION::No. DANCE GOOD::I'm SupaFly. I already told you this. LIKE YOURSELF::I'm friggen amazing. Anyone who can't see that is retarded. And blind. ENJOYED THE SURVEY::Oh quite. The typing sucked, the order of the questions was nonsensical, and words were spelled incorrectly. It rocked. It was the Bomb. Boom. ::THE END::Take this survey | Find more surveys
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