Welcome to Easter Baskets!

Oct 01, 2012 18:08


2012 Signups are OPEN!

Easter Baskets is a place for you to place your Easter Basket and fill some in return! The idea for this community was inspired by seasonstocking! It is run in the same manner as Season Stocking, only it's Easter giving instead of Christmas giving! I did not know of any other community like this for Easter, so I thought that I would start one. =]

Sign up here, by commenting on this entry with the form below all filled out to receive your Basket entry. Then let your friends list know that you have placed your Easter Basket! Friends can easily find your Basket by using the journal tags. Your tag will be your username. You may also want to check and see if any of your friends have placed their Baskets too! =D

--The only portion of the form that is required is your name.--
First Name (or name that you go by):
Astrological sign(s):
Significant Other:
Marital status:
Anniversary: [wedding or other]
Children's names, genders, ages, & birthdays:
Pets: [name and type of pet]
Favorite colors:
Colors you dislike:
Favorite things & hobbies:
Favorite television, movies, music, comic, etc:
Favorite pixels: (if you like blinkies and sigtags)
What type of graphics you prefer:
What is your favorite part of Easter?:
What Easter things do you enjoy most?: (ex. Easter Bunny, bunnies, pastel colors, bright colors, chicks, Easter Eggs, etc. - this helps with Easter themed goodies =D)
Anything else you'd like to share not listed above:

All comments are screened until Easter Sunday to keep all of the gifts a surprise!

Comment/fill baskets as many times as you like. There is no limit as to how many gifts one may leave a person. The only condition is no gifts of monetary value. The point of this is to spread a little virtual love. Remember, it's the thought that counts (and money can't buy you love)!

Ideas for basket fillers are: uploaded songs, pictures, photos, graphics, icons, banners, livejournal layouts, drabbles, fics, compliments, short stories, poems, quotes, etc.

Be creative! Get into the giving spirit!

(i) If uploading music or anything else, please use a server that does not expire within 7 days, as in most cases the link will expire before the baskets are unscreened on Easter Eve. If this is not possible, please try and wait to make your drop-offs until the latest time possible to stop dead links.

(ii) Feel free to friend the community to receive notices, reminders, and updates.

(iii) If you would like to volunteer to moderate Easter Eve and help unscreen Baskets, please comment here.

Thank you so much, everyone! I hope that this community is as successful as it was last year!

♥ Vanessa

!2012, -welcome, -signup post

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