DAY 24 & 25
Day 24: Least Favorite Pairing
Believe it or not, this is a really hard question for me. I adore Maiko and Kataang, so you'd think automatically that I'd hate Zutara, right? But I don't. I'm probably going to have to say that's my least favorite though..unless..
oh my god.
any incest.
it bothers me to no end.
Day 25: How much did you like the movie? Or how much do you want to see it?
So..from what I've's pretty bad.
I kinda wanna see it, just to see if it's really as much of a fail as it's supposed to be. I don't do well with movie adaptations of things, though, so I have a feeling I'll hate it anyway.
But yeah. I've heard there's some decent parts too, so I wanna see it. For that, and out of curiosity.
DAY 1. Favorite Episode
DAY 2. Least Favorite Episode
DAY 3. Favorite Character
DAY 4. Least Favorite Character
DAY 5. What is your favorite outfit that any character has worn throughout the series?
DAY 6. Favorite Element Nation
DAY 7. Favorite Animal
DAY 8. Favorite Quote
DAY 9. Favorite Book Season
DAY 10. Favorite Weapon
DAY 11. Favorite Minor Character
DAY 12. If you could challenge anybody to an agni kai, who would you choose and why?
DAY 13. If you could make up an episode right now, what would be the title and what would it be about?
DAY 14. If you found out right now that you are the new avatar, how would you react and how would you tell your friends?
DAY 15. Sokka’s great at haikus. Why don’t you try one out about your favorite character?
DAY 16. Hurry! Make up your own animal hybrid!
DAY 17. What was it? Yeehaw? Wahoo? Yip yip? Make up your own phrase to make Appa fly!
DAY 18. Name a time when you wished you had bending skills.
DAY 19. What’s a question that you would love to have answered about something that wasn’t so clear in the series?
DAY 20. Create a sentence or two out of at least 5 episode titles.
DAY 21. Some characters had different hairstyles: Zuko, Aang, Katara and Sokka to name a few. Which hairstyle of each did you like better?
DAY 22. Favorite Villain (if it’s your favorite character, 2nd favorite villain)
DAY 23. Favorite Pairing
DAY 24. Least Favorite Pairing
DAY 25. How much did you like the movie? Or how much do you want to see it?
DAY 26. An episode that makes you cry
DAY 27. An episode you can watch over and over
DAY 28. Your favorite fanart of anything from the series
DAY 29. Who would you love to be the voice actor for and why?
DAY 30. Describe your favorite, least favorite, and overall the greatest times in the series.