i feel like no one reads this thing anymore anyway...
i'm super lonely...i don't get it...a lot of my guy friends think i'm pretty and cool to hang out with, but nobody's really interested...it just makes me wonder...blah.
the last starfighter, protest the hero, as cities burn, since by man, and...
the bled.
the bled was the best man everybody was getting into and going crazy...i got hit in the face but hey i lived lol it was a hot time. i still haven't showered...lol i'm gonna go get on that. later.
ew taks test today at school...got paid yesterday.
$133.93 :D yay for money.
i have today and tomorrow off, i'm going to see if Sam wants to hang tomorrow! :D and today i have to go grocery shopping and i'll just go buy some shit cause i love buying shit lol :D :D oh yes and laura will be with me! good day it should be. :]