PIIIIIIIINGUMS. OH HOW I MISS THEE. TIS BEEN FAR TOO LENGTHY A TIME SINCE I LAST GAZED UPON YOUR BEGUILINGLY CHERUBIC VISAGE. But first, a disclaimer: In the fashion of Pollock, I deny the accident. Any mispellings or grammar errors on my part are the cause of prolonged subsistence in the microcosm of The Mainland. I said "writed" the other day. As in, for past tense of written. No, you may not cackle in malicious glee. Even mentally. I will See it.
Ahhh, I miss you, I miss you. Anyway, was just gonna leave a short comment but you know me - lots of babble, little substance. I'm in art camp now, so I shall graciously take my leave. Just wanted to let you know, I'm thinking of you! And whatever shit life throws at you... throw it back, or something. Or make biofuel. I would say something witty, but I wit left me some time ago along with the fortitude and grammar. AISHITERU, AIBOU.
Comments 2
Ahhh, I miss you, I miss you. Anyway, was just gonna leave a short comment but you know me - lots of babble, little substance. I'm in art camp now, so I shall graciously take my leave. Just wanted to let you know, I'm thinking of you! And whatever shit life throws at you... throw it back, or something. Or make biofuel. I would say something witty, but I wit left me some time ago along with the fortitude and grammar. AISHITERU, AIBOU.
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