TRICKSTER WEEK (AKA "Care and feeding of your Riftbound demigod")

Dec 28, 2009 03:17

HEY, GUYS. I am, at this moment, tentatively planning the oft-mentioned Trickster Week for the first week in January, because what better way to ring in the New Year and the coming of our two-year Riftversary than CRACKPLOT. ....Okay, it's only crackplot if you want it to be. Technically, a lot of good comes out of the Trickster's games!

...Unless you're a Winchester. :|

So, without further ado, here is everything you never wanted to know about this plot!

So who is the Trickster anyway?
The Trickster would like you to think he's a demigod who plays violent practical jokes on the high-and-mighty and gives them their just desserts. This is not untrue, but it isn't the whole story. Technically, he's a displaced archangel (of the Biblical variety) by the name of Gabriel (yeah, that one). This is something he doesn't really own up to unless cornered and trapped in a ring of holy oil fire, so no one will ever know this, more than likely.

...I mean, who the hell keeps rare holy oil on them?

What is the extent of his abilities?
His abilities have been downplayed significantly since coming through the Rift. His reality-bending abilities focus outwards without his control and while he could stop things from happening if he wanted to (he usually won't, unless he's just really bored with it), he can't manipulate anything beyond that. The entirety of Chicago and the surrounding suburbs will be affected and when he leaves, all will go back to normal.

Beyond that, the only abilities that he's left with are the ability to teleport, the ability to manifest certain things (only small things, usually food), way above average strength, and indestructibility. There is no one in the Rift that has the ability to kill him and you can't hold him anywhere, so... Basically, you just have to wait until he leaves town for things to go back to normal.

Why a week?
Trickster Fortnight didn't sound as cool.

So what's gonna happen to Chicago during this week?
That is up to the mods. Things will be kind of weird and strange in Chicago (the Trickster's reality bending is potent), but it probably won't be all that drastic. The sky won't be made of orange sherbert and the grass made of chocolate or anything. It'll just be a little weirder than Chicago is normally.

How will my character be affected?
The Trickster has a specific MO. He teaches people lessons, always with a sense of humor, and generally fatally. The people he targets are either people who are ASSHOLES or people who are so fucking stupid about something that they need to get a boot in their asses to make them see that they're being idiots. As he can't specifically target people and he definitely can't hurt them, people will be affected, no matter what, but the people who will probably be most affected are the ones that fall under those two categories.

Now the Trickster deals in "just desserts." A guy who is angry all the time gets killed by The Incredible Hulk. A guy who spends his life disproving wormholes gets shoved into one. A guy who is too stubborn to let his doomed brother die gets stuck in a time loop where he has to WATCH said brother die over and over until he gets in his head that he can't save him... And those are just some examples from canon. Things will happen on a smaller, nonfatal scale here. If a character has a lesson that they need to learn, feel free to give them a curse related to that lesson (for example, someone who has been keeping secrets may find themselves unable to not talk about them or someone who considers themselves something of a player may find that all women/men/whatever are repulsed by them).

You do not have to follow this. It is traditional of the Trickster's powers, but not wholly a necessity, but if you've been wanting an ACT OF GOD to get a character to confront some issues and deal with some shit, this is a good opportunity for that.

The only real rule is that it can't be fatal, but I don't need to tell you all that... Hopefully. (He can't kill anyone. Period. Unless it's with his hands. He really doesn't care enough to kill people with his hands.)

Does my character have to be affected?
Nope. That's up to you.

Can/Will the Trickster hurt my character?
He can, if he really wanted to, but he doesn't really go in for the physical stuff unless he's trying to prove a point, so if he can't hurt a person through his powers, he's not really gonna bother, for the most part. He's a pretty nice guy. He may laugh like an asshole when you get what you deserve, but he's not malicious. Three to one, he will not care enough to hurt anyone. ....Unless you just make him mad. Then he might put you through a wall.

....It's difficult to make him angry.

....Unless you're a Winchester.

...Even then, it's still kinda hard.

Will my characters be able to thread with him?
Absolutely. He will probably show up random places, acting in the style of an NPC- a bartender, a barista, a bellhop, some random Organization grunt, etc. He has some sort of weird variant of a perception filter that doesn't so much prevent him from being noticed, but prevents people from not realizing he hasn't always been there or, you know, prevents people from going, "...Aren't you the guy from the bar?" at him when he shows up at another job. Extremely astute people won't be fooled by this for very long. Psychics will not be fooled at all, but I'll get to that in a minute.

Will my characters be able to tell what he is?
They'll be able to tell he's a wanderer if they're capable of it, but that's not likely to bother people considering how common wanderers are. A psychic will probably get the big OMG THERE IS SOMETHING WEIRD WITH YOUR BRAIN off of him and will probably know EXACTLY what he is without looking too hard, but if they delve too deeply, they... Might risk going crazy (crazier?). Don't look into the brain of an Angel of the Lord, kids, if you want to keep your eyes. Thankfully, unless you're a REALLY, REALLY braindead psychic, you will get the memo before you get too deep.

How will the plot end?
THE RIFT HATES IT WHEN PEOPLE BEND ITS REALITY. At the end of the week, the Rift will open up a series of green rifts. If you have a character you need to get rid of for a little while, either by dropping or just to get them out of Chicago for a bit, then now would be the time to do it.

Will he be coming back at a later date?
Probably. If the plot goes well, I would LOVE to bring him back for another round, especially if we need some levity after a major breakplot. It depends on how well this goes. And when I do bring him back, I'll probably find some excuse to alter his powers on a smaller scale, so they don't affect the entirety of Chicago, because that gets old so fast.

Any further questions will be answered by your friendly, neighborhood Trickster.


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