[Souji is sitting in a tea room, stringing
a key on a blue string. Once it's on there safely, he puts the string around his neck and tucks it under his shirt.
Then he picks up the device to address the network.]
Have many people been to the beach today?
Can I ask... When...
[He's still a little out of breath.]
When we started "dating"?
[Holy shit, he cannot even remember that far back. Summer. Uh...]
[Yousuke shifts in his seat uncomfortably. It's still kind of fuzzy-- they were under some kind of weird mansion spell, and he felt like his emotions then couldn't be trusted. But he does recall the kiss quite strongly, and holding Souji's face in his hands. It causes him to bite his lips as he feels that sensation again.]
I thought-- I thought that was just the mansion messing with us. We never said anything about it again.
[Why does he feel like such a huge jerk when he says this? He's hot in his stomach.]
For another thing, Yousuke is clearly uncomfortable and has a different idea about how all of that worked.
So. What to do....]
[He blurts out because he can't stand that look on Souji's face.]
I mean, you gotta cut me some slack here. Since then nothing that date...y has happened. I wasn't getting that vibe at all.
[You have to admit Souji, you're not a very conventional boyfriend.]
That was my fault. [He kind of hoped Christmas would make up for that, but...eh. Going back to Inaba through the rip kind of distracted him.]
[This is the pinnacle of awkwardness. Yousuke clears his throat like he's going to say something... But then has no idea what to say. He scratches the back of his neck. Still nothing.]
Just enjoy the cake, then.
Do you really...?
[It's okay if your homophobia wins out over any concern you might be feeling.]
When you say it like that, there's only one way you can answer.
But there's more to dating than just being close.
[That was mainly the part he had a problem with.]
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