I'm in Osaka!!!!

May 30, 2007 23:01

I made it here safely with all of my luggage and my sanity. Hugs to everyone I talked to over the past two weeks and all of your well wishes and good karma sent my way! Now I've got to give up the pics.

It's small but mighty. It's a businessman's hotel so there are all kinds of free amenities including this LAN internet connection I'm enjoying currently.

It's at the heart of Osaka, and it's been a blast for the last couple of hours wandering around the back alleys full of little local eateries. Myself and another Nova newb popped in at a yakitori place, and I was thoroughly reminded of just how rusty my Japanese really is.

Next up is my awesome fancy toilet in my itty-bitty bathroom.

Sweet toilet!

And absolutely nowhere to stand.

Tomorrow I'm off to my apartment in Fukuyama. I'll be teaching at the school there which is a brief walk from my apartment and right off of the train station I come in on. Joy!

I best get my beauty rest to prevent the evils of jet lag. Good morning, American residents!
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