[Level - Public] (so it cross-posts to FaceBook)
So y’all remember recent posts where I’ve said ‘look, single, happy, very comfortable being just me, life is great, not looking for a departure from this, enjoying me time’. Well. It’s like a summoning spell (and I just KNOW
deborah_c and
poetman will smirk at this and go ‘told you so’ once they've read it.)
Actually I was on about such things the other week outside Salon Rouge (stood waiting for ticket to arrive, one of the gang light a cigarette and convo went from there). For instance, if you are stood waiting for a bus which just isn’t showing up, you need to get a smoker in your group to light up. Guaranteed, the bus will arrive as if by magic. Or, if you leave the hallway light on in your flat so you can see to get in at stupid-o-clock the next morning, the chances are you’ll not end up back there at all and will roll in sometime in the afternoon.
It has been an excessively interesting start to the year. My social life has taken on an identity of its own and doesn’t seem to want to slow down. I’ve had a few dates, met lots of new people, re-established friendships and built on older ones, been having a complete whale of a time zooming around and going to all kinds and everything. Getting hold of me for a chat has become increasingly difficult, and actually finding a weekend day or evening where I’m not booked up in advance (usually at least double, if not treble or quadruple) has become laughable. During the week is tricky, to say the least.
That isn’t going to change hugely. But there is going to a slight shift, in that I’ve now to be ever more careful about balance.
You see, I allowed myself to be convinced by a very lovely gent that being exclusive and giving things a go with him would be, to say the least, nice. And a couple of weeks down the line, he might have been right. Given he has an ego the size of Australia, I’m not going to say he WAS right of course. And besides, only time will actually tell. So far, so nice and floaty though. Thus, consider me ‘un-single’ rather than ‘single’.
Finding time to spend with him, as well as making sure I retain all the things I’m doing and want to do / start / take up, is not going to be easy but it is very, very important to me. I’m totally determined not to fall into the trap / pattern of disappearing off the face of the planet in favour of spending lots of time with him, but it helps that we don’t have entirely different social circles and can at least tolerate each others interests. He was talking about me with his brother and they decided to call it a draw (see earlier point on ego…) when, in response to brothers remark of ‘my lady has *something to do with WoW which I totally don’t understand nor am I remotely interested but seemingly, kudos*’ he said ‘that’s great, but Em can explain the V.A.T.S system in Fallout 3’… at which point they both smiled and stopped comparisons. I’m not sure whether I’m flattered at my geek-points or slightly horrified, but either way. Equally we have things that aren’t remotely similar. And it’s going to be interesting to pick our way through his stuff, my stuff, us stuff and free-time stuff.
So if you see me arm in arm, looking happy, with one specific person more-often-than-not rather than the usual motley crew of assorted friends and co-horts, don’t be overly surprised. But equally, if you spot me out and about on my own quite a bit too, with the usual rabble, don’t worry either. I’m not turning into limpet-girl and you guys all matter, big style, to me. And he gets that.
Oh, and if you want to know who the he is, I'll leave you to figure it out. It shouldn't be too difficult ;)