Aww a doggy!!! Wheee that's fun! We had a dog come here and not leave and then we found out it was a dog of a boy that went to schol with me(this was many years ago). But we had the dog for 3 days and my mom didn't know what to do so she had my uncle come out to feed it and give him a bone and all that. This dog would growl at my parents window late at night, ugh. We took it around the neighborhood to see if something would happen like he'd find his home but then we found out where he belonged and his owner came to pick him up. So this boy I'm talking about went to school with me forever and I never liked him and crap. He lives on barnes road close to me and still does so yeah. But wheeee have fun with wolffie!!!! Oh and yes I won't tell nobody about what you're mom did. *giggles*
Wow you left that guy a note? *high five* You go girl!!!! :D
hehe, wolffie is fun, though mom doesn't like my name for him. Well, wolffie it is til she gives me another. man, this is the second dog this summer dumped here. The last one adopted our next door neighbor. But it looks like this guy is going to stay here. But we really need to get his toenails trimmed, they are really long, and look like they are causing him pain, like he is limping when he walks, and it is really hard for him to walk on gravel. But tis fun. My mom thinks this is the dog that will finally make me like dogs, but I am still a cat girl :-D
I think wolffie is cute name. Wow the second dog huh? That seems like alot. Ouch! I bet those toenails are causing him pain, poor guy. I know you're a cat girl and totally always will be, but hey at least you're having fun with wolffie! Good luck with your dad though. Hopefully he comes home in a really good mood and it'll be alittle easier to tell him.
Comments 6
Wow you left that guy a note? *high five* You go girl!!!! :D
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