Oct 31, 2009 02:02
- 14:30 I'm starting to second guess my costume for tomorrow, and idea came to me to be the Public Option, but how would I display there easily. #
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Oct 29, 2009 02:01
- 02:18 @ iwasahumanboy what exactly does she mean when she says a purr god? hah #
- 19:12 Is all clean Hopefully getting showered & dressed will be worth it I should look up more information on this costume I'm doing for Halloween #
- 19:12 @ iwasahumanboy I knew God had a thing for cats, giving them 9 lives and all... #
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Oct 28, 2009 02:03
- 12:26 #whenwewereyoung getting a razor blade in your Halloween candy was like winning the lotto, sugar sweets and a weapon! SCORE! #
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Oct 24, 2009 02:00
- 14:32 I have plans to hit up a "haunted house" tonight with @SmurferPenguin & @xxbadmuffinxx here's hoping someone gets scared... mwahahaha #
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Oct 22, 2009 02:00
- 03:04 I miss you #
- 21:22 Yay for Glee, and watching it almost in time with the the non-dvr watchers #
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Oct 20, 2009 02:02
- 21:53 You see dear friend, you put the lemon slices in water and its like water plus #
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Oct 19, 2009 02:02
- 22:23 So row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
I hope you drown and never come up # - 23:24 I'm a little pissed that I can't seem to find a single pair of headphones around this place... there used to be so many #
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Oct 18, 2009 02:02
- 13:17 it's time for this guy here to start thinking up and following through on a work out plan... I'm getting chunky #
- 14:28 Woke up to PBS this morning... is that why i feel like a super Genius today? #
- 19:01 Why is Mario 3 being such a little bitch right nwo #
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Oct 17, 2009 02:01
- 02:24 I will probably have dreams about Earth being destroyed from watching this episode of The Universe #
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