So, this is my fifth week in PayPal. It's also what's known as "stats week". In other words, we're being rated on the quality and average length of our mails/calls, and our continued employment depends on it.
We need to get 85% overall. This is broken down to 30% for the two assessments we did, 15% for our call handling times, 15% for our email handling times, 20% for our phone quality, and 20% for our email quality. The required call average handling time is 8 minutes, and 7 minutes for emails. So far, I've gotten 90% in the tests, which equates to 13.5% of my overall score.
Which gets me to the ego bit. I have absolutely no fear of this week. Everyone else in my team (14 in total) is freaking out about managing it, and I'm just.....well. Ridiculously cocky about it I guess. Last week and today my calls and emails have been below average, and bar a few silly things which I corrected today, my quality has been perfect. I feel like I'm back in secondary school and not doing any homework or classwork, but still getting honors. It's a little silly to be worried about, but I feel like I should be more concerned rather than how incredibly I calm. Ok, so I am still being careful with the quality and accuracy of the information I'm providing, the professionalism of my manner and so on, but even then I'm doing great.
I'm feeling paranoid about doing well. My brain is fricking weird sometimes.
On a positive (well, ok, the last thing was positive, but in a weird twisted Sarah way, so shhhh...) note regarding work, my team mates rock. They're all around my age, extremely friendly, totally accepting of my odd habits/hobbies, and great fun to hang out with. They have also given me the nickname Tea Brain. This is an amalgamation of Mrs. Tea, for my insane levels of tea consumption, and Brain of "Pinky and the Brain" (the girl who sat next to me in training is Pinky). I find it highly amusing and rather flattering.
The other great thing about the job are the prospects. They really encourage you to move onwards and upwards within the company. We have to finish our probationary period of six months before we can apply for something else, but then the sky's the limit. They also have an education program that rocks, so I could feasibly go back to college and still have some sort of career whilst doing so.
On the stuff note.
I have found any tiny bit of keen that escaped, and somehow it seems to have mated with the remainder and increased the overall keen population. WHY ISN'T IT THE PARLI NOW GORRAM IT!
Health wise. I'm going to try kick my energy drink habit from now on. It's not good for me. Tea, on the other hand, shall never be abandoned. I'm also going to start going to the gym once I start my proper shifts next week, as there's no longer any point in rushing home after work, cause Will will already be up and heading to work. Hopefully I'll be able to get the gym instructor person lady thing to show me a routine to tone my tummy, seeing as it's really the only part of me that I'm unhappy about.
Love wise. My man is amazing. Like, super wonderful gushy sappy amazing. And that's enough positive emotions, they're making me feel ill :D
Er. Other I'm thinking of buying the Grimm RPG rule book. Anyone played it? I've wanted to GM something for a while now, and I think it could seriously suit my...well...twisted imagination. (I was trying to find a nicer way of saying my head is sick, but oh well.)
And, um that's me for the last while. Life is overall, pretty damn good. Bar the fact this is roughly the ninth time I've edited this post as it felt like it was worded badly. Stupid odd ticks.