Eurovision 2012 Final

May 27, 2012 23:13

Well, I've more or less successfully avoided spoiling myself today, although did have a couple of close calls.

Let the Contest begin!

- This is the final night in Baku Azerbaijan, and I'm pumped. Fittingly, the opening act has almost everyone as well as the hosts wearing white, much to the distress of livers all around Australia. On top of that, the white suits light up and some of the dancers fly.

- Props to Azerbaijan building Crystal Hall in 7 months!

- Yay! Shout out to Australia!

The Acts

United Kingdom - The Brits have chosen Engelbert Humperdinck as their representative so the Russian Grannies don't feel left out. It's a nice song, and I'm impressed he hit that last note. Drinks for the pyrotechnics! LOL someone just mentioned on twitter that Engelbert Humperdinck is older than 22 of the nations in the actual comp! Mind you, if the USSR disintegrated in 1991, that means me and my brother are also older than quite a few countries as well.

Hungary - I'm still a bit miffed this got tot the finals and not Finland, but I so want his leather jacket. It's a much improved performance from the semifinal

Albania - I'm ready with the tissues this time *sniff* I really don't understand she's kept that hairstyle for the finals - it's like a dead animal is stuck to her head and it's tail is glued to her neck. Her vocals are so powerful, she keeps blowing the camera away with her voice!

Lithuania - I didn't mention this in my last note, but Donny Montel starts the song blindfolded (because the song is called love is blind). Apparently, he has memorised where are the camera angles are so he will always be facing a camera. That's what I call commitment. Drink for the one-handed handstand and pelvic thrust. A much stronger performance than the SF2. And you can see he's having fun. The sparkly blindfold may also have won it for Lithuania

Bosnia Herzegovina - I love this song. I loved it when I saw it on Youtube. I loved it when I watched the Semis a few hours ago. I love it now. Twitter comments include "Sing sing sing your beautiful space witch" and "Bow to your blonde alien overlord"

Russia - BLESS! They are so adorable, the crowd love it!

Iceland - My mum also agrees that the song sounds like the theme for The Eagle. Beautiful song

Cyprus - What can i say, that girl is gorgeous. Shame about her singing. She looks like Anne Hathaway

France - Wow, they've pulled out all the stops with the acrobats. Very good song, very catchy. And cue wind machine. Great performance

Italy - I heard this in the previews. Italy has gone soul, which is awesome. Shades of Amy Winehouse. I really love this song. The singer is very confident and charismatic. Great song, great voice, great performance.

Estonia - I will admit to singing "Hero" along with this song. The chords and tempo just match it. Digging the waistcoat and fob watch chain. Powerful performance and simple execution. He looks more comfortable than he did in the semis.

Norway - Again with the slo-mo walk. This song is very good though, great dance beat and would definitely fit in with the other stuff on the radio. His dancing's still better than his singing though. Definitely gets you out of your seat though.

Azerbaijan - Drink! White dress and feathers. I'm liking the bluesy feel for this. This is actually a really good song. The lighting is quite good too, especially when it looked like there was a smoke demon swimming around inside her stomach. She knocked it out of the park with her performance. Sabina the singer looks like Kim Kardashian

Romania - The bonkers song of the finals. White suit wearing moon-walking bagpiper. What's not to love? Such a happy song :D

Denmark - I really do love the earthy feel of this song and performance. The St. Pepper's costume's not hurting it either. Just a singer and her band jamming on stage, it's the simple joy of it that i love.

Greece - Legs, legs, legs. Interesting observation from Sam Pang our Aussie Commentator - "If Greece actually manage to win, will they be able to afford hosting duties for next year?" Eleftheria Eleftheriou's legs are almost enough to distract me from the fact she's more pitchy than she was in the semis. Best twitter comment of the night "Economy's down but the skirts are up"

Sweden - The favourite of this year. Very good song. Her dancing is fascinating. Such a catchy song, I'm singing along to it. A dancer just comes out of nowhere, picks up Loreen, dances around, picks her up again and, in slow-mo, drops to the floor and dies, while she lands top of him

Turkey - YAY!!!!! It's vampires who are pirates and use their wings to build a ship. Oh the campy goodness. What's not to love?!?

Spain - Slow build-up to Spanish Celine Dion. I'm actually a bit more fascinated with her dress design. Oh, I see by what they meant by Celine Dion. The climax of the song is very powerful.

Germany - I saw the video clip, it's all black and white and has shades of Sinead O'Connor's "Nothing compares to you". I quite like the song, very Ed Sheeran. One of the few rock songs in the comp.

Malta - Cute footwork :) Just noted the guitarists are styled like Buddy Holly sans glasses. Not my favourite but it is a catchy song.

Macedonia - The rock ballad of the night, one of my favourites, been looking forward to this.

Ireland - Aw, they still have their flat hair. Kinda disappointed. Glad to see they still haven't kicked their red cordial habit though :D Making love hearts with your hands has to be worth a drink. Also, Ireland, isn't your economy also in trouble? Was it really wise to spend $5000 on that water fountain?

Serbia - Love this song, love the instrumental arrangement. Just beautiful.

Ukraine - You know, I don't think those back-up dancers are actually playing the trumpet. Good singer who rocks a shower cap

Moldova - Fun and upbeat, won't win, but is bonkers anyway. What's with the choreography lol? Great end to Eurovision.

PERSONAL FAVOURITES in no particular order
Serbia (A song that becomes more beautiful with each listen)
Bosnia Herzegovina (I don't care if people on sbs hate it, it's still beautiful)
Finland (which should have been in the finals, but wasn't)
Lithuania (which is amazing, because i didn't like it in the semis)
Ireland and Russia for the LOL factor 
Albania for the angst

- Nepotism. Still alive in Azerbaijan seeing as they got the President's son-in-law for the interval act. Who looks a bit like Shannon Noll. They got Trekkies as back-up singers


1. Sweden
2. Russia (Go Grannies Go!)
3. Serbia (Yay!)
4. Azerbaijan
5. Albania
6. Estonia
7. Turkey
8. Germany
9. Italy
10. Spain
11. Moldova
12. Romania
13. Macedonia
14. Lithuania
15. Ukraine
16. Cyprus
17. Greece
18. Bosnia
19. Ireland
20. Iceland
21. Malta
22. France
23. Denmark
24. Hungary
25. United Kingdom
26. Norway


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