Overall Fav Icon:
by ebonybeach
Romantic Icon:
by backseaticons
Sad Icon:
by lilotelasserie
Pissed off icon:
by speshulduck
Happy icon:
by katkim
Funny icon:
by zaphod_bb
Fav Ship/Pairing icon:
by kit_kat1990
Movie Icon:
I don't have any :(
Droolworthy icon:
by ebonybeach
Quote icon:
by ebonybeach
Work icon:
by moonytoes
Hobby icon:
by icon_bacchanal (and yes, French counts as a hobby!)
Speechless icon:
by space_graphics
Animal icon:
by ebonybeach (well, it has an animal in it...)
Smartass icon:
by composim
Now that's over and done with, OMG where have I been?! I know it's the same story every time - work, school etc. Mais c'est la vie. :(
I've had mocks, which went well - all A's - 98% in maths, 93% in biology [highest in the year, and I have NO idea how I managed it!], 87% in chemistry and 84% in French [also highest in the year, apart from one guy who is actually French... lol slight advantage there!]
So I'm very happy. :D
- I've also been doing so much driving, which j'aime trop!
- Christmas ball on Wednesday, I'm really excited, I love parties!
- I've acquired a new ship from a new fandom - Meredith/Derek from Grey's Anatomy - I've only seen 5 episodes of the 1st series but I LOVE IT SO MUCH!
glitteraddict89, 3 messages pour toi:
#1 [+
loony_daydreams] I'm beginning to see the Owen [Torchwood] attraction, but only just. I still prefer Jack/Gwen, but Owen/Gwen is cute too. :)
#2 You remember the short video of us [mostly you] I put on YouTube that time? I got a comment on it a while ago which I forgot to mention...
Regarde! or:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th84b_vI8y8#3 I also got an email last week from some American guy asking me what badwolf21 meant... he thought he'd heard it somewhere before! OMG!
>Hey I have a random question, I somehow stumbled upon your LJ (mine is
>leggomygrego85 if you want to check it out) and I saw one of your userpics
>says "badwolf21" and for some reason i have heard that somewhere before but
>don't know why or where lol. And now it's bothering me, so what is that?
Well, the term Bad Wolf comes from the Brit Sci-Fi show 'Doctor Who' which
you'll probably have heard of. It's kind of like this taboo that follows you
wherever you go, and you're never rid of it, it keeps reappearing.
21 is my birthday, it's my lucky number, and it has a tendency to appear
freakishly all over my life. (eg I'll spend exactly £21 in an online order,
or happen to look at the clock at 21:21 (that happens a lot!) or be watching
a tv program which starts talking about something happening on the 21st.
That sorta stuff)
So 21 is like my Bad Wolf, following me everywhere in a freakish way, and so
my friend and I coined the term 'badwolf21' to describe the weird occurences
in my life.
that makes so much sense somehow. thanks, that was killing me. i was like "WHERE HAVE I HEARD 'BAD WOLF' BEFORE!??!?! AND WHY IS THERE A 21?" hahaha