Title - Invisible, Part 22 Rating - PG-13 Pairing - Eric/Ryan, mentions Horatio/Speed Disclaimer - What do you think? Summary - just a short epilogue Word Count - 401 Notes - beta'd by
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Awww, lovely! So sweet! This has been a wonderful fic! And now the perfect ending. *sighs happily*
But they might need a hand every now and then, someone to keep them from killing each other. You know Eric, he’s stubborn; and from what I know of Ryan, he’s the same way. So true!
So, what's next? Hmm, depends on what my muses let me finish first. I've started several... Right now, I'm working on a rather angsty one that was supposed to be a ficlet... yeah, it didn't stay that way long.
Comments 20
But they might need a hand every now and then, someone to keep them from killing each other. You know Eric, he’s stubborn; and from what I know of Ryan, he’s the same way.
So true!
So, what's next? *is eager for more*
So, what's next?
Hmm, depends on what my muses let me finish first. I've started several... Right now, I'm working on a rather angsty one that was supposed to be a ficlet... yeah, it didn't stay that way long.
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Thanks for the nice and thrilling story.
I love it!
Look on the bright side - now I can get started on my next long fic, lol. ;) Thanks for reading!
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