(no subject)

Mar 28, 2004 23:06

So Denise and I were bored today, so we went into chat rooms to make fun of people.
Then I got this really FUN idea.
When I was asked to send a picture of myself,
I sent a picture of trollbeast!
Isn't that funny!?!?!?!

wbpitcher23: hey
iLoveHateGroups: Hi
wbpitcher23: asl?
iLoveHateGroups: 16 f ny
wbpitcher23: 18 m
wbpitcher23: pic?
iLoveHateGroups: send me yours first.
wbpitcher23 wants to directly connect.
wbpitcher23 is now directly connected.

iLoveHateGroups: Oh my gosh. You're a real hottie.
wbpitcher23: thnx
wbpitcher23: so can i see your pic?
iLoveHateGroups: hold on a minute, i want to make it smaller
wbpitcher23: ok
wbpitcher23 direct connection is closed.
iLoveHateGroups: Do you think I'm hott?
wbpitcher23: no

His was the only picture I saved because I'm dumb and I forgot to save the other ones.
(And Bee Tee Double You, He was a confirmed blocker.)

KEGRRR03: hey asl
iLoveHateGroups: 16 f fl
KEGRRR03: 16/m/mi
KEGRRR03: pic?
iLoveHateGroups: yes.. send me yours first.
KEGRRR03: ok
KEGRRR03 wants to directly connect.
KEGRRR03 is now directly connected.
iLoveHateGroups: Oh wow. You're a hottie.
KEGRRR03: thanks
iLoveHateGroups: are you ready to see mine?
KEGRRR03: yeah
iLoveHateGroups: its kind of big..sorry about that in advance..
iLoveHateGroups: So...What do you think?
KEGRRR03 direct connection is closed.
iLoveHateGroups: no?
Previous message was not received by KEGRRR03 because of error: User KEGRRR03 is not available.

That was also a confirmed block.

ezpacalypse: what up
ezpacalypse: asl
iLoveHateGroups: no thing
iLoveHateGroups: 16 f fl
ezpacalypse: whats ure name
iLoveHateGroups: Amanda.
ezpacalypse: kool
iLoveHateGroups: what's your name?
ezpacalypse: u have any pic
ezpacalypse: chris
iLoveHateGroups: Yes. But send me yours first.
ezpacalypse: i dont have one or else i would
iLoveHateGroups: oh.....
iLoveHateGroups: okay.
iLoveHateGroups wants to directly connect.
ezpacalypse is now directly connected.
ezpacalypse direct connection is closed.
iLoveHateGroups: So........what do you think?
iLoveHateGroups: Do you think I'm hott.
iLoveHateGroups: ?
iLoveHateGroups: No?
iLoveHateGroups: Am I!?
iLoveHateGroups: Okay. I'll take that as a No.

That guy just stopped answering me.
Hey, I wouldn't blame 'em.

Now, I was going to post a this whole chat that I had with some kid, who was obviously set out to do the same as I.
Make fun of retards in chat rooms.
But upon re-reading it, I realized that most of it is dumb.
But some parts make me smile alot.

You have just entered room "The happening place."
Swingish123: welcome welcome
ChP3ChiP: welcome
iLoveHateGroups: Is this really the happening place?
XxXSuGaxSpIcEXxX: huh
ChP3ChiP: youre probably wondering why you're here
Swingish123: well if u call my grandmas basement a happening place
Swingish123: then ur right on
Swingish123: my name is felix dickie dak
ChP3ChiP: and the answer to that is to answer with this one answer answering my answer
Swingish123: but u can call me doobie mix daco for john the fourth for short
ChP3ChiP: dont leave, for money is at stake
Swingish123: not the steak
Swingish123: with A1
ChP3ChiP: thats right
ChP3ChiP: and yes, i did mean to mispell skate by switching the t and the k
Swingish123: alright
Swingish123: question 1 out of 2542354235435334
ChP3ChiP: all ya folks gotta do
ChP3ChiP: is answer this
Swingish123: what color is the sky?
iLoveHateGroups: blue!
Swingish123: correct
ChP3ChiP: no

ChP3ChiP: Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?
iLoveHateGroups: because it has your age...........
ChP3ChiP: try again
ChP3ChiP: that was robotic
ChP3ChiP: just clarifying
iLoveHateGroups: oh.
iLoveHateGroups: okay
iLoveHateGroups: i dont know.
ChP3ChiP: try again
ChP3ChiP: the robot will just keep going
iLoveHateGroups: i love the robot.
ChP3ChiP: try another
ChP3ChiP: threw some variety in there

ChP3ChiP: its sort of like my grandma
iLoveHateGroups: whats like your grandma?
ChP3ChiP: never mind
Swingish123: drake and josh

ChP3ChiP: How Can Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Get to the Stratosphere If They're Heavier than Air?
ChP3ChiP: thats like my grandma
Swingish123: dont put meatballs in the salad
ChP3ChiP: heck no
iLoveHateGroups: chloroflourocarbons?
ChP3ChiP: are you threatening me?
ChP3ChiP: don't question authority

ChP3ChiP: excuse me for a jiffy while i stuff mashed potatoes down my........
Swingish123: pants
Swingish123: chair lift
Swingish123: wait i meant
Swingish123: chair razor
Swingish123: as in the capital of my grandmas underwear

Swingish123: isnt that funny
iLoveHateGroups: it is very funny.
Swingish123: haha
Swingish123: ha
iLoveHateGroups: it makes me LOL
iLoveHateGroups: actually, it makes me ROFL.
iLoveHateGroups: It makes me ROFLMAO HADFGIHADghDFAghujg
Swingish123: it makes me g2gnmp
ChP3ChiP: yeah, i usually just WNRROT
ChP3ChiP: shizzle my mizzle
iLoveHateGroups: I dont know what that means, good buddy.
ChP3ChiP: that's shoot my monkey
Swingish123: when im happy like now i usually just jkkkunppop
ChP3ChiP: when im home alone i like to RANLAM
Swingish123: only after i ttgiu
ChP3ChiP: thats run around

ChP3ChiP: well, im in wyoming
iLoveHateGroups: so am i!
ChP3ChiP: im in my teens and currently balding
iLoveHateGroups: how old are you?
ChP3ChiP: lets see, it was a martha stewart convention i first saw....
ChP3ChiP: i'm 15 and 6/8 in a half
iLoveHateGroups: well im 13 and 13/5 in a whole.
Swingish123: wow
Swingish123: thats like my grandmas age
Swingish123: when she was young

ChP3ChiP: so you live in wyoming, huh
iLoveHateGroups: yes i do.
ChP3ChiP: what town
ChP3ChiP: or city
ChP3ChiP: or pueblo as the kids call them nowadays
iLoveHateGroups: i lied. i dont really live in wyoming.
iLoveHateGroups: i would have played it out but i dont know of any towns.
ChP3ChiP: that was pretty mean
ChP3ChiP: you lied?!

ChP3ChiP: anyway
ChP3ChiP: moving on
ChP3ChiP: changing the subject
iLoveHateGroups: yeah..
ChP3ChiP: switching the topic
ChP3ChiP: turning the page
ChP3ChiP: shifting the area of discussion
ChP3ChiP: powdering the doughnut
ChP3ChiP: baking the cake
ChP3ChiP: running over the old man crossing the street
ChP3ChiP: spanking the donkey
ChP3ChiP: running around naked like a monkey
ChP3ChiP: ok im done

iLoveHateGroups: that reminds me of a story...
ChP3ChiP: really
ChP3ChiP: lets here it
ChP3ChiP: well i guess not us
ChP3ChiP: i guess its just me
ChP3ChiP: cause he left
ChP3ChiP: anyway
ChP3ChiP: moving on
iLoveHateGroups: he was a he?
iLoveHateGroups: are you he?
ChP3ChiP: yes
iLoveHateGroups: that's lovely.
ChP3ChiP: although my grandma did have a change
ChP3ChiP: whoa!
ChP3ChiP: lovely?
ChP3ChiP: what are you referring to here
iLoveHateGroups: im referring to your penis.
iLoveHateGroups: anyway.
iLoveHateGroups: back to my story.
ChP3ChiP: okay go on
iLoveHateGroups: Once upon a time.............

iLoveHateGroups: isnt that funny!?
iLoveHateGroups: and then we saw a badger.
ChP3ChiP: were you running around naked like monkeys?
iLoveHateGroups: Holy what!?
iLoveHateGroups: HOLY JESUS?
iLoveHateGroups: some of us were.
iLoveHateGroups: but not i.
ChP3ChiP: ah, always optimistic you are
ChP3ChiP: keep going
iLoveHateGroups: That was the end, silly.
iLoveHateGroups: Were you expecting someone to die?
ChP3ChiP: well...
iLoveHateGroups: That wouldn't be a fun story, now would it.
ChP3ChiP: i did want to see some blood fly

ChP3ChiP: yeah, i had a garage sale once in the winter and michael jackson drove by
iLoveHateGroups: no way!
iLoveHateGroups: did he beat it?
ChP3ChiP: now there was something i never want to tell my grandma
ChP3ChiP: oh applesauce no
iLoveHateGroups: why wouldnt you tell your grandmother that/
iLoveHateGroups: ?
iLoveHateGroups: that's something I would LOVE to tell my grandmother.
ChP3ChiP: she's prone to seizures during strobe lights
iLoveHateGroups: if she were alive.
ChP3ChiP: if you know what i mean
iLoveHateGroups: so are japanese children.
ChP3ChiP: yeah, i enjoy strobe lights, if you know what i mean
ChP3ChiP: im not sitting on a chair now, if you know what i mean
iLoveHateGroups: no, i dont know what you mean.
ChP3ChiP: i dont even know what i mean, if you know what i mean

ChP3ChiP: so is it october where you are right now?
iLoveHateGroups: No.
iLoveHateGroups: Is it October where you are?
ChP3ChiP: no
ChP3ChiP: its sunday

ChP3ChiP: well thank poultry for that
iLoveHateGroups: now that you bring it up, i realize that im a very big fan of poultry
iLoveHateGroups: Dr. Curly?
ChP3ChiP: ....
ChP3ChiP: My name isnt dr curly
iLoveHateGroups: No, of course it isnt, silly.
iLoveHateGroups: Dr. Curly was the best peice of ham.

ChP3ChiP: my name is Wil
ChP3ChiP: wil, one L
ChP3ChiP: but my friends call me betty
ChP3ChiP: which is short for bob
iLoveHateGroups: Do you like nascar?
iLoveHateGroups: Huh, Wil, one L?
ChP3ChiP: only when im subjected to it
ChP3ChiP: if you know what i mean
iLoveHateGroups: i got ya, good buddy.

iLoveHateGroups: You have a heart of gold.
ChP3ChiP: well, i try not to brag.....
iLoveHateGroups: Are you 70 years old?
ChP3ChiP: i like to pretend i am when im with my goldfish, but other than that.....

ChP3ChiP: i have to warn you though, i usually put 95% cream, sugar, vanilla nad tax insurance and only about 8% actual coffee
iLoveHateGroups: But, 95% and 8% don't add up.
ChP3ChiP: no, it's on a 112% scale
ChP3ChiP: trust me

ChP3ChiP: im feeling like my grandpa's bathroom here
iLoveHateGroups: Is that so?
ChP3ChiP: yes, im drowning
ChP3ChiP: more like digging a hole in my dog house

ChP3ChiP: so you're 43, huh?
iLoveHateGroups: give or take 20 years.
ChP3ChiP: now youre just being like cinnamon on toat
ChP3ChiP: yes toat, not toast
ChP3ChiP: because by toast i mean burnt and black, with no butter
ChP3ChiP: which is the only way to eat toast

ChP3ChiP: what are you referring to
iLoveHateGroups: im still referring to your penis.
ChP3ChiP: WHOA now
ChP3ChiP: so how old are you
ChP3ChiP: and noe of that shopping cart stuff

iLoveHateGroups: What is your name?
ChP3ChiP: definitely

ChP3ChiP: talk about a monkey with his mango
Swingish123: are you fat
Swingish123: or phat
Swingish123: or fphat
iLoveHateGroups: was that directed towards me?
ChP3ChiP: obviously it wasn't not you
ChP3ChiP: thats a double negative
ChP3ChiP: learned that from martha stewart
iLoveHateGroups: well...yeah. i guess you could say Im fat.
Swingish123: ewwwwww
Swingish123: fatty
iLoveHateGroups: ewwww?
iLoveHateGroups: Please, do not make fun of me.
Swingish123: do u have to grease your door ways
iLoveHateGroups: sometimes.
ChP3ChiP: ouch

ChP3ChiP: anyway
ChP3ChiP: moving on
ChP3ChiP: changing the subject
ChP3ChiP: switching the topic
ChP3ChiP: turning the page
ChP3ChiP: shifting the area of discussion
ChP3ChiP: jumping off the moving bus

Swingish123: hey lori
iLoveHateGroups: hey Swingish.
iLoveHateGroups: 123
Swingish123: ur name isnt elenoar
iLoveHateGroups: 456
iLoveHateGroups: 789
iLoveHateGroups: i know. i lied about that

ChP3ChiP: ive just been running around on a freshly waxed floor here
ChP3ChiP: linoleum

ChP3ChiP: how you could just....mercilessly
ChP3ChiP: whip me like your grandma
ChP3ChiP: its like where am i, where am i?
iLoveHateGroups: that reminds me of a story.

The rest is just gheyyyyyyyyy.
But really, so was all that.
I didn't make you read it.
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