Well I'm back on internet land after a very crappy easter holiday.
He thought he had finished going down the stairs and took the last step in the air, since I was behind I couldn't even grab hold of his shirt, he fell against a side table in the entry hall and hit his head against a 90 degree angle on the tables leg, so when I picked him up, there was this huge cut from his forehead down to his cheekbone, and it was gushing blood, and looked really deep so I pinched it closed and yelled at mom to grab my purse for the insurance cards and drive us to the hospital. He calmed down during the drive (the bleeding stopped on the drive there).
We arrived at the emergency room and when I removed my hand so the doctor could see, my son saw my hand covered in blood and that's when he looked at his and started freaking out. And I started talking to him and singing and he calmed down, doctor called the plastic surgeon, did x rays to double check no additional injuries, and then just waited until he was taken into surgery, minor but still.... since he didn't need to spend the night insurance didn't pay up front but will reimburse me. So I'm out 900 dlls and there went my easter vacation weekend. But he's OK which is the main thing.
But he just doesn't stop, he just fell and hit his nose against the coffee table, I've had to make him so far: stop jumping on the beds, from the bed to the floor, from the backrest of the sofa, he just while I was typing this fell from the sofa, against cushions but still..... wish he would just settle.... and we have confiscated all sugar materials....
*sigh* So that's my rant for now.