Fic: Testament

May 14, 2009 21:25

Title: Testament
Length: 550 words
Pairing: John & Rodney
Rating: PG

Now on my Dreamwidth page: all three stories in reading order and with edits on the rough spots that were bothering me... so please read that version!

Sequel to Tomorrow, which is a sequel to Where the Heart Is. Best to start there ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

helenkacan May 15 2009, 04:06:31 UTC
Here I go crying again.

But it's still a good feeling (though there's a twinging ache between my ribs).

And there's an entirely holistic naturalness to the way Teyla finds out, as if this was how she should have learned about the deaths (and lives together) of two of her dearest friends.

Okay, you've more than proven that you can make me cry.
Can you make me laugh?


eccentricweft May 15 2009, 23:33:11 UTC
I guess if I say "sorry I made you cry again" I might not sound sincere... but I'm glad you felt comfortable with how it worked out!

I have no gift for writing humor, unfortunately, at least nothing laugh-out-loud funny. But I need a laugh too after this so here are three of my long-time favorites, for both of us!

Five Reasons Why John and Rodney Hate Sleeping Together"> by toomuchplor

Five Planets Atlantis is Never Contacting Again, Or At Least If They Do, They're Sending Another Damn Team, Not John's by spuffyduds

844,739 Ways to Eat a Hamburger by minervacat


londonsabre May 15 2009, 13:44:53 UTC
This does indeed provide closure, and was beautifully written...oh wait a minute, you mentioned a book with Earth writing...!


eccentricweft May 15 2009, 23:40:58 UTC
Oh, I'm busted. Yeah, originally the book was going to be Rodney's journal, since the other two parts were John's pov. But I didn't want Rodney to have been writing down his feelings about John for John to find after his death; I thought (and wanted) Rodney to be capable of telling John directly. I left the book in, though, so there would be no question in Teyla's mind that Kisi had, in fact, found John and Rodney, not other people who might also have lived on that planet.

However feel free to imagine Rodney writing anything you please! :)


scififreak May 15 2009, 14:22:46 UTC
Okay, I asked for it. And it was very good. But very sad. Now I have to start the day with this melancholy. Great. *g* lol


eccentricweft May 15 2009, 23:42:06 UTC
Oh well, thanks for bearing with me! :) There are some humor recs, two comments up!


hawtboyluvin May 15 2009, 23:35:44 UTC
Ahh At least Teyla knows! It's the NOT knowing is what hurts!


eccentricweft May 15 2009, 23:42:16 UTC
Yes, I totally agree!


adafrog May 15 2009, 23:38:41 UTC
Lovely, thanks.


eccentricweft May 15 2009, 23:42:28 UTC
You are welcome!


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