I got a job at a camera store on Tuesday, so I've been unexpectadly(?) busy.
I started drinking Saturday night around 2am even though I had an interview at 11a. Twins. Oh, I mean I was hanging out with the twins and we got into... um... it? I don't want to be too detailed, but I got the best head that I've gotten in a ridiculously long amount of time. Brothers. Anyway, one of the twins got upset with the whole idea and so we had to stop. Where did the time go? Next thing I know I'm getting a call from John about the interview that I was supposed to be at. I asked him what time it was. He said 12:50. I started getting dressed, still drunk as fuck. Decided that it was probably a good idea that I don't go to the interview drunk. I called the camera store back and said that I was extremely busy (haha) and would have to reschedule. He pretty much told me that I was hired. I knew then just how desperate they were. So I went in there on Tuesday, thinking that I would just have to fill out paper work, but he made me stay the whole day. It really fucked me up because I had homework to do and puke (not mine) to clean up.
Why can't I just have both twins? But then I started getting paranoid that Kurt would find out and that bothered me because I met them through him. It's my rule. No sex with ex-boyfriend's friends. The new exception will be: unless they're twins... hot twins. That's a stipulation. We could've had so much fun. Turns out one of the twins (the one that was upset about the whole thing) didn't lose his virginity until he was 24. That's why I didn't keep going against his will. He's too nice of a guy.
I feel bad, though, because I don't want to hurt anyones feelings. I try to make it clear that I don't want any ties right now and that I'm looking for the right person. It's contradicting, but it's my way of say, "You're nice, but you're not for me." That and I told him what a shitty person I am. People never take me seriously when I tell them that.
Guess I should go now. I want to get some extra work done for tomorrow.