Title: The Glitter Incident
Author: echo_fangirl
Characters: Lester, Connor
Rating: G
Words: 100
Disclaimer: Not mine, as nice as it would be
Spoilers: Set roughly between 3.05 and 3.09
A/N: Repost from the PriWriMo thread. A drabble for
jooles34 , who said that she wanted "Lester involved in an unfortunate glitter incident ". :)
Connor felt guilty, having promised Lester the apartment to himself all afternoon. Nevertheless...
Lester opened the door a moment before Connor knocked again.
"I thought you were spending the afternoon being... elsewhere?"
"DVD marathon... I... forgot the DVDs..." Connor blinked. Lester looked... Sparkly. His hair was adorned with flowers, his face streaked with glitter glue.
Lester scowled. "Then you'd better go get them."
A little girl ran up beside Lester, peering up at Connor with familiar dark eyes under a mass of black hair.
"Me and Daddy are playing beautician." She informed Connor, all seriousness.
"Daddy and I." corrected Lester.