
Aug 18, 2005 21:26

So... todai was a good day for the most part! Had my english class w/ Porter & there's this really annoying chik in there who seems to think she's Cody's best friend & knows all about him, lol, me & Porter just laughed & tlkd about her when she wasnt listening... can't stand that girl! Christine tld me she was all over Cody while she dated him, so ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

razgrizz August 21 2005, 04:22:04 UTC
yes it was very fun with what we did. after school was very.....different. The food was great, (hats off to janies dad and mum) the movie time was great. the poking and shoe taking was awsome. the back massages was probably the best. (well maybe not.....) and afterwards i made some people agitated because i helped clean up. but i dont care as long as i felt like i did something to help is all that matters. (although sometimes it isnt a good thing i guess.....?) spending time with melody was awsome. great on catching up on old times, plus the new view that she has of the world, which is really fascinating. but like flipper says, it was an awsome time, one that i will not forget anytime soon. cheerio old chap


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