i stink at updating.
lets just make this easier.
im giving you, loyal reader, a choice.
pick whatever concerns, amuses or interests you:
i finished my stint as a high school spanish teacher on wednesday.
i gave finals (one student received a solid 13) and calculated their final grades.
i wrote yellow slips.
i got hit in the head with wads of paper and a tennis ball.
i love my spanish one class more than SPAIN itself. <3
my spanish has never been better.
mi espanol nunca ha sido mejor.
things love to get worse.
terribly worse.
jaclyn has chosen her classes.
italian and chinese at the same time.
she is so bright.
i am so incredibly proud of her.
she belongs at holy cross.
she belongs.
i miss so many people.
but i desperately need those people to understand why i have not been around.
and for those that i have seen- thank you for listening.
and understanding.
i love you (plural).
i sleep with a monkey named tarcey.
and a heffalump named lumpy.
and a bear named phillip.
im fighting a battle alone.
and that, friends, is an update.