Double questions post!!!
81: If you were to discover that your closest friend was a heroin dealer, what would you do?
Try to get her help.
82: Is it easy for you to accept help when you need it? Will you ask for help?
I think I am stubborn when it comes to accepting help. Most of the time, I want to get help on my own terms to prove to myself I can do it. I know I should just accept it more easily when it’s offered to me, but I can’t seem to get over that complex of “I need to do it for me and by myself”. I have, at times, relented and asked for help, but I hate doing so.
83: If you were helping to raise money for a charity and someone agreed to make a large contribution if you would perform at the upcoming fund-raising show, would you? If so, what would you perform? Assume the show would have an audience of about 1,000.
Yeah, why not? I’ll make an ass out of myself for charity. It’s a good cause.
84: Would you have one of your fingers surgically removed if it somehow guaranteed immunity from all major diseases?
85: Would you like to be famous? In what way?
Why not? I could get money for doing nothing like Paris Hilton lol.
86: How do you picture your funeral? Is it important for you to have people mourn your death?
I want a Viking funeral (Well, mostly. Sorta.) I think it is important to me, as selfish as that seems. I want my body preserved in case there’s a way to bring me back to life later (this has changed in recent years as originally I wanted my body cremated and the ashes set on a boat and set on fire.) Now, I just want aspects of me or things that represent me and maybe even a recreation of my likeness (isn’t that called an effigy?) set on the boat and set on fire. (Boy, I do think highly of myself lol) Seriously though, as someone who doesn’t want to die ever, I have given my funeral a lot of thought. I really hope my family has money lol.
86b: How would you like to be remembered after you die? What would you like said at your funeral? Whom would you like to speak?
I should hope people remember me fondly and that what is said is something to that effect. I’d only want funny/cheery things said at my funeral. None of that mourning stuff, it’s so damn depressing! I always have the idea of having a headstone under a tree on a hill as a place for my family to commemorate me. Dunno about whom I'd like to speak. My family and friends if they so wanted to?
87: Which of the following restrictions could you best tolerate: leaving the country permanently, or never leaving the state in which you now live?
Leaving the country permanently. Never leaving the state in which I now live closes off the rest of the world to me AND I still don’t get to see the rest of this country, so at least in leaving this country, I gain the rest of the world.
88: You, your closest friend, and your father are on vacation together, hiking in a remote jungle. Your two companions stumble into a nest of poisonous vipers and are bitten repeatedly. You know neither will live without an immediate shot of anti-venom, yet there is only a single dose of anti-venom and it is in your pocket. What would you do?
Wow, this one is super tough. On the one hand, one is my own father, however, the other has likely had less life lived. I think I would make the tough call of saving my friend actually. As much as I love my father, he’s lived. He’s been in love, been married, had children, been divorced, and even traveled a bit. I can’t say I wouldn’t miss him because I would, but my friend on the other hand would have so much more to go in life that I think it would be the better choice. I couldn’t let them both die.
89: Where would you choose to be if you could place yourself anywhere on a scale from one to ten, where one is hardship, struggle, and extraordinary accomplishment and ten is comfort, peace of mind, and no accomplishment. Why? Where are you now?
I am gonna say I would like to have a nice 4. I think it’s a good meld of the two sides. Not exactly the middle so I am still accomplishing quite a bit. Right now, I think I am probably dancing back and forth between 3 and 7.
90: If you could choose the sex and physical appearance of your soon-to-be-born child, would you do it?
This is a question that speaks to the Sims lover in me. While part of me wants to say yes, I think I will pass on this option. Regardless of what my child looks like, in the real world, I would not choose my child’s appearance.
90b: Would you like to have a child much brighter and more attractive than yourself? What difficulties might result? How much would it bother you to have an ugly, stupid, or crippled child? To ensure your baby would be born bright, attractive, and healthy, would you use a safe medical procedure to genetically alter the developing embryo? Would a baby designed in this way still feel like your child?
I definitely hope I have a brighter and more attractive child than myself! Difficulties that may result from this would likely result as they get older and they start to surpass my own abilities to adequately help them with their homework etc. Honestly, it would probably stress me a little financially if my child (or children) were terribly “stupid” or crippled. Ugly, I can’t see minding too much, and I certainly wouldn’t love them any less in any scenario. I think I might do the genetic altering to ensure a healthy baby more so than for the other reasons.
91: Would you rather play a game with someone more or less talented than you? Would it matter who was watching?
I like playing against more talented or equally talented people the most because it's more of a challenge, which I enjoy!
92: Is there something you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?
Oh, you mean being skinny? Lol. Partially, I blame genetix and laziness. I am working on it.
92b: Is it better to have dreams that will never come to pass, or to have no dreams at all? How much better would your life be if the things you dream of doing or having were granted to you?
I prefer dreams to none because they make my life all the richer! I live in my dreams and for them. Life would be much better I were granted just 1 of the many.
93: While in the government, you discover the President is committing extortion and other serious crimes. By exposing the situation you might bring about the President's downfall, but your career would be destroyed because you would be framed, fired, and publicly humiliated on other matters. Knowing you would be vindicated five years later, would you blow the whistle? What if you knew you would never be vindicated?
Well, given that this is such an unlikely scenario, I think I would not bother blowing the whistle. I am always under the assumption people in positions of power are corrupted. Besides, it says MIGHT, not would. I think it’s a waste of time to have ruined my life only to be vindicated five years later. No thanks. I do think there’s a difference in whether or not I would be vindicated. I mean, sure, there’s always the personal knowledge you did right, but that’s not the same as being publicly vindicated.
94: On a busy street you are approached apologetically by a well-dressed stranger who asks for a dollar to catch a bus and make a phone call. He says he has lost his wallet. What would you do? If approached in the same way by a haggard-looking stranger claiming to be hungry and unable to find a job, what would you do?
No offense to either, but I don’t carry cash regularly, so likely I’d say as much and send them on their way. I don’t loan my cell phones to strangers either, so they’re shit out of luck with me. When I do have the money, I give it to the person regardless of looks unless I need it for later specifically.
95: If by sacrificing your life you could contribute so much to the world that you would be honored in all nations, would you be willing to do so? If so, would you make the same sacrifice knowing that someone you thoroughly disliked would receive the honor while you went unrecognized?
I don’t think I would in either situation.
96: Knowing you had a fifty percent chance of winning and would be paid ten times the amount of your bet if you won, what fraction of what you now own would you be willing to wager?
97: What are your most compulsive habits? Do you regularly struggle to break these habits?
Not sticking to schedules/diets. Laziness. Sleeping in. And cleaning out my ears obsessively. I hate it already because I have tried to stop it, but I wake up scratching them out. I’ve used pencils, wood, even sewing needles! (Luckily only while awake!)
98: You know you will die of an incurable disease within three months. Would you allow yourself to be frozen within the week if you knew it would give you a modest chance of being revived in 1,000 years and living a greatly extended life?
Oooooh. Wow…can’t I just be frozen a week before the 3 months are up? No? Damnit. I’m gonna say no then because hopefully in the future I can still be revived and I will want to enjoy the months>week.
99: You are driving late at night in a safe but deserted neighborhood when a dog suddenly darts in front of your car. Though you slam on the brakes, you hit the animal. Would you stop to see how injured the animal was? If you did so and found that the dog was dead but had a name tag, would you contact the owner?
Yes, I would.
100: What do you most strive for in your life: accomplishment, security, love, power, excitement knowledge, or something else?
I think if I had to pick one, it would be knowledge.