I just did this on facebook and I figured I would post it here too just in case Car ever tags me to it again I won't have to do it. XD
1. I procrastinate, hence the lateness of this note. Yet, I hate to be late -- weird I know.
2. I love pajama pants and continue to buy them no matter how many I already own. I also like cushy socks.
3. I usually dye my hair reddish in winter, then brown in summer. I have been dying my hair since the eighth grade.
4. I love hard chewy candy, like jujubees -- and if its not hard I will probably freeze it to make it so. <3 Frozen Gummi Bears.
5. I do not drink.
6. I watched an anime series, Death Note and actually enjoyed it. I have also convinced others to watch it.
7. I tend to get obsessed with things and learn/watch/read/eat whatever it is until I am sick of it. For example : Forensic shows, Degrassi (lul), True Blood, (book) A haunting, Crocheting...
8. Because of #7, there are certain foods that I know longer eat because I exhausted them in my childhood. Examples : Salami, Bologna, and english muffin pizzas.
9. I love ghost shows. I dvr Paranormal State and Ghost Hunters and have recently taken to watching them with my best friend on my couch when she stays over. I also watch way too many discovery, history channel, I.D., and other learny type shows.
10. My best friend is Carrie, we were best friends when we were like 9-15, then grew apart and grew up and now we are best friends again. :)))))
11. Obama is the Kennedy for our generation.
12. I listen to the Sweeney Todd soundtrack in my car.
13. My favorite color to paint my toenails is a dark metallic blue. I don't paint my fingernails because I pick at them when I am nervous. >.>
14. I am allergic to a mystery substance, once or twice a year I will break out in hives. :( I am also allergic to codeine, penicillin, and some soaps.
15. When I was little I had always wanted a litebright, my mom never let me have one cuz it had too much pieces.
16. In recent years, I have discovered the orgasm which is cheesecake. I had never eaten it before because I was grossed out by the whole cake of cheese theory.
17. I have to lotion my legs and feet before I go to bed.
18. I read the Harry Potter series and loved it. I ignored the whole thing until I had to read the first book for a Children's Literature course, then I was hooked.
19. I love fall and winter. Spring is okay. I hate summer.
20. I have every episode of Friends on dvd.
21. I sleep way too much.
22. Speaking of sleep, I love my down comforter.
23. I don't wear jewelry, at all.
24. I have a parrot, my mom found shim in the backyard.Carrie hates my parrot.
25. The icestone has melted.