I'm still confused and confounded about this whole business with bornof_thenight. To whomever is reading this besides her, I'm willing to bet ya'll are sick of me talking about it...well suck it dry. Also, some of this may come off as rough, rude, or misunderstood. we can talk later
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So i finally went to the doctor today to get looked at. Upper respiratory infection draining into my chest. No real shock there, but fuck it. I need to remind myself i dont need to keep pushing through this stuff. I'm not overseas any more
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I take back everything i said about it being bornof_thenight's fault. She is wonderful, magical and she poops rainbows and unicorns. Without her, I would be unorganized, lazy, and probably would stop shaving. I love you, my little English muffin
I've been water boarded, I've had a simulated drowning in the training pool, I've even had a catastrophic failure while diving. That being said, all of that was drowning via external sources and i can do something about it. In this case I'm drowning exclusively through my fucking nose
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As i often do, i hit the gym tonight. Good lift, and it helps get my head straight. I can see my definition coming back, i can feel my strength coming back too. Not quite a mountain yet, but getting there
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Weird fucking dreams. I laid down for a nap this afternoon and my brain took a left turn into odd turf. I remember talking to bornof_thenight and she was showing me the new tattoos she had gotten. Except they were full body, from her neck to the soles of her feet. Some weird green cyber circuitry type stuff. She was asking if i liked it and apparently i said no
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Back in Texas. Whoo-boy. Also back at firestone. I realize a lot of the discontentment of life is based around where I'm working. I think I'll be better once i get back in the cut. I loved the last week more then i should. It is nicer getting to talk to bornof_thenight more though. I still have to figure out where I'm going to move. Lots of change, i just have
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Today, for the first time in my 10 year history in the GWOT (Global war on terror) i was walked off range. Being run through remedial instruction, while helpful, made me feel like a kid who shit the bed. I'm still learning, and a failure is only a failure if you can't learn and move forward. Secondary instruction got my head right, eyes forward and
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Another day of training, then back into the real world. Ugh. Not looking forward to getting back to the monotony of day to day life. I'm ready to get back in the cut, and get back into the fight. At least I'll be on standby, which is better than nothing.